วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Chest Acne - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Chest acne is also known as body acne and can range in appearance from a few red pimples and spots to weeping pustules, blackheads, whiteheads and even cysts. In its mild form, it may not always cause major discomfort but severe forms can lead to skin infection, bleeding and scarring.

Who gets chest acne?

Chest acne can affect people ranging from 11 to 40 years old and above. It can appear equally in both men and women. It is still a mystery why chest acne can afflict some people while others don't exhibit the same problem. Its root cause is still unknown. It does have a tendency to run in families and it usually appears in people with extra oily skin and those who sweat excessively.

How does chest acne develop?

Chest acne develops in the same way as regular acne does. Oil-producing sebaceous glands found just underneath the skin's surface naturally excrete sebum. Usually, no problems occur as long as the rate of sebum production remains normal. Sebum and dead skin cells are usually washed away during regular cleansing and bathing, so the skin remains clear. It is only when there is hyperactivity in the glands that there is reason for concern.

When there is an over production of sebum, the pores become clogged. The trapped sebum and dead skin cells create the perfect living condition for the bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes. These bacteria settle on the skin, multiply and cause skin infection. This infection leads to the formation of pimples or acne, characterized by red and inflamed bumps.

Treating chest acne

If what you have is a mild form of chest acne, also referred to as 'zits', you're probably in luck. Chest acne that is still in its initial stages is usually easier to treat. You also don't need to worry about the type and number of treatments available for chest acne because there are many options you can choose from, depending on the severity of your condition.

There is no known cure for acne and any product promising to erase your chest acne for good may be stretching the truth. This is because there is no true cure for acne since its root cause is unknown. Whatever treatment that is available in the market today is used mainly to address the symptoms. Eradicate the symptoms and you eradicate chest acne.

If you have chest acne, never try to press a pimple with your bare hands or attempt to cut through a cyst. You will risk infection if you do and you could even cause some scarring to appear. Try to handle your chest acne as gently as possible and remember to keep your hands off unless necessary.

Use an antibacterial soap that is especially formulated to treat acne and wash the affected area. You might have to repeat the process depending on the product's or your doctor's recommendation. Carefully dry your skin and apply an antibacterial cream. Try to wash the affected area twice a day, once in the morning and once before going to bed.

There are several brands of over-the-counter creams and gels that are commonly used to treat chest acne, most of which contain the ingredient benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is an effective oxidizer and keratolytic that effectively kills the P. acnes bacteria and helps reduce the redness and swelling.

If applying a topical antibacterial ointment seems inconvenient, ask your doctor if it's possible for you to use an oral antibiotic. This is usually the method of treatment for acne that covers a wider area of the skin.
When taking antibiotics, you might have to follow a treatment course that could last for several weeks, sometimes as long as 12 weeks in more severe cases. If you don't complete a treatment using antibiotics, chest acne will reappear and might even worsen, so make sure you follow your doctor's recommendation.

For more severe forms of chest acne, such as those that involve pustules and cysts, see a doctor for a proper recommendation of treatment. He might prescribe stronger medications that you can take in oral form or receive as an injection. You might also be recommended for steroids or laser therapy.

Tight clothing and chest acne

If you find that tight clothing tends to aggravate your chest acne, try to avoid wearing them. Choose clothes that do not hug your skin too much and wear fabrics made of light, breathable material like cotton. Try not to use fabrics that may chafe or irritate your skin.

For days when you need to expose your décolletage, there is an emergency fix you can use. Apply a mild disinfectant on your skin and use a concealer that contains salicylic acid. Use a swab to apply the product to ensure that you keep the area germ-free. This will serve as a temporary solution until after you've found the perfect solution for your chest acne.

Flor Serquina is a writer and also a wife and a mother who has a great interest in maintaining the healthy skin of the members of her large family. For more information visit her website, where she discusses various subjects such as chest acne, treating cystic acne and nodular acne treatment.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Solutions From TV

How many times have you been staying up late and night and have seen a commercial for an acne treatment product that seems to wonderful and perfect that it's almost too good to be true? Well unfortunately it probably is. Acne solutions from TV are generally not that reliable. For example, let's use the acne treatment product Pro Active. This acne product boasts great results with hundreds even thousands of people, including sexy starlet Jessica Simpson, who is the main spokesperson for the product. It's important to remember that the testimonials given on these products are people who are being paid to do so.

If you want to know which acne treatment products advertised on TV really work, then hit the internet, it is there you will find the truth. You might have to do a little bit of searching around, but eventually you will come to a site that will give you honest testimonials and opinions on the product that you are considering. Never go to the product's main website for information or opinions on it, because of course they are going to try to make their product look at attractive as possible, it's all part of the world of marketing.

I have yet to see a commercial or website for an acne treatment product that says one single bad thing about their product. Realistically, no one product works for everyone and any company or commercial that tells you otherwise it just flat out lying. Just remember not to be too naive when it comes to people trying to sell you their products, their bottom line is to make as much money and possible and don't ever think otherwise. You have to be wise when it comes to how you spend your money and take care of your skin so don't succumb to just any commercial out there.

Despite the great things people say about some acne products, I have found that most acne treatments simply did not work for me.

But after years of struggling to get rid of my acne, I finally found something that was able to almost completely cure my acne in less than a week.

=> Click here to read my acne story <=

Seriously, stop wasting time and money on treatments that just don't work. It's not worth it!


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How To Control Your Acne Breakout

As a teenager, you should find out whether your skin is the oily, dry or a combination of oily and dry type, so that you will know what method of control measure to use. Acne control measures and medications for different skin types are available online, but applying the wrong care can bring about cystic or severe acne.

Often teenage acne finds its way back to your skin later in adulthood. Why this happens has not been pinpointed, but it is obvious that adult acne results from teenage acne. The other type of adult acne is work environment induced. For example, acne or skin disorders resulting form exposure to Chlorinated industrial chemicals.

You should, therefore, make effort as a teenager to nip acne in the bud by starting basic bcontrol measures early. This will stop your acne, when it appears, from affecting too many areas on your body. Acne and its degree depend largely on the genetics of an individual teenager. Some people will have just wee acne while others will have severe acne.

The following measures if followed religiously will act as good control against wide spread acne:

  • Do not break your pimples, your fingers are not always clean and could introduce germs into your pimples to cause you cystic acne.
  • Wash your hands and face thrice a day. Washing your face does not mean scrubbing; do the washing gently with the palm of your hand.
  • Stay away from frying environment. Most people have the erroneous belief that eating fried food cause pimples and acne, but what is right is that being in a frying environment exposes your skin to airborne frying grease which when settled on your kin can clog your pores and cause acne.
  • Do not use oil based cosmetics, they can also clog your pores. Girls, especially, should avoid such cosmetics. They should also wash their faces before bed every night.

All said, the bottom line is to start the above habits early to minimize your acne, since almost every teenager will suffer some degree of acne before adulthood. And when eventually your acne appears, look for a proven medication that works. Information is available online.

Neshah writes for your sound health. He recommends New Acne Treatment for a sure cure of your acne within three days. Please email this article to your family members, friends and colleagues, they will love you for it. Acne happens in every family.

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วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Be Acne Free in 14 Days

With the increasing rate of pollution, there has also been an increase in skin problems. It is a misconceived notion that acne outburst occurs due to unhealthy conditions and unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle. These are however not true. External factors are not wholly responsible for the outbreak of acne, it is true that some foods could result into acne formation. You cannot blame it completely on the unhealthy lifestyle and dietary habits.

Some tips for becoming acne free in 14 days are as follows:

Avoid touching the spot where acne has developed:

It is not a good idea to rub the acne and popping zits. However tempting I may be to pop it out, avoid doing this as it could cause scars. These scars also take time to fade. Some scars take as much as a year to disappear. When you pop that yellow zit, the acne is not going to get rid of . The greater the pressure you exert on it, the puss would spread to the nearby parts. It would happen that one fine day; you get up and notice new zits growing on your face.

Remain Hydrated by drinking at least 2 liters of water daily

Water is a universal hydrant. Ensure that the body gets the requisite amount of water. Drinking close to 2 liters of water daily helps in flushing out the toxins from the body. It helps in cleansing the digestive and circulatory system. When the body remains well hydrated, the body works in a better fashion and gets rid of organisms which cause acne.

Refrain from using cosmetics and other beauty products

Make sure the beauty products you use are not oil based as these are absolutely not friends with acne. When you apply these lotions and cream based products, it prevents the pores from breathing and they get clogged. Irrespective of whether you have attracted acne or not, ensure you use cosmetics which are meant for acne suffered skin.

Ensure you get lots of sunshine and fresh air

Sunshine is necessary for the skin. Vitamin D is a very important component if you want your skin to be free from acne and glowing. More fresh air and sunshine means your skin is able to breathe well. This is important for rejuvenating your skin, mind and body.


For a healthy skin and body, ensure you stay healthy by regular exercising. Brisk walking is a very good exercise and it helps to tone bones, muscles and the skin as well. When we walk, you are able to remove the toxins from the body by way of sweating. Hence, make sure you engage in outdoor activities for staying fit and healthy. A fit and healthy leads to a healthy skin.

Gently wash your face

Make sure you scrub your face gently only with plain water. Avoid soaps which are harsh on the skin and they would damage the skin further. It could lead more outbreaks of acne.

If you really want to get rid of acne and be acne free in 14 days, we suggest you to visit http://zitstreatments.org/

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วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

5 Great Home Recipes For Acne Treatment

In the US, millions of dollars are being spent each year on acne medication, and acne skin care products; however, as most people who suffer from acne can attest, the majority of these products only give temporary relief, with the added downside of mild to severe side effects.

If you're someone who's struggling with mild to moderate acne, you can control it with natural products you can find around the house, or your garden. Here are 5 great acne home remedy recipes that you can prepare right in your kitchen. These are things you can use safely to keep your pores closed, to treat surface infection, reduce swelling, and soften your skin.

Thyme As An Astringent

Thyme is excellent for treating acne. Add about 1 tablespoon of dried thyme, or a small bunch of fresh thyme to 1 cup of boiling water, and steep for at least fifteen minutes. Strain and store in a jar in the refrigerator. Apply to skin as an astringent to tighten pores. Keep in the refrigerator for about one week.

Calendula as a Toner

Calendula (marigold) is one of those power herbs that has many uses. Taken internally, calendula has been used to reduce inflammation, as a detox to cleanse the liver and gallbladder, and to treat digestive disorders. Calendula is also an excellent skin care herb for the treatment of acne. It soothes inflammation, and it's effective in healing damaged tissue caused by acne.

Use calendula toner as part of your daily acne skin care regimen. To make the toner, add one teaspoon of dried calendula flowers to one cup of boiling water, and steep until it cools. Strain, and store in a clean jar with a tightly fitting lid. Keep in the refrigerator for about a week.

Keep Your Pores Clean With Garlic.

There have been many reports evidencing the healing benefits of garlic when applied to the skin to treat acne. Apply a paste of two crushed cloves of garlic to the face taking care not to get any of it in your eyes. Leave on for no more than 15 minutes. If the smell bothers you, lather your face with pure African black soap, and rinse with warm water.

This is a good treatment for acne, but you should use it with extreme caution if you have sensitive skin as garlic is very strong, and can burn, or irritate your skin. It's recommended that you do a skin test before applying it to your full face. You can also use garlic juice by crushing the garlic and squeezing the juice through a garlic press. Do spot treatment directly on the pimples, and zits. Leave on for 5 minutes then rinse with warm water.

Baking Soda As A Mask And Exfoliator

You can use baking soda to treat acne either as a mask or a scrub. When used as a facial mask, baking powder will absorb all the surface oil, tighten your pores, and leave your skin incredibly soft. To make the mask, mix baking soda with a little water into a paste. Apply to your face, and leave on for ten minutes, or until the mask is dry. Rinse with warm water.

You can also use baking soda as a scrub to eliminate flaking skin, and excess dirt from you pores. Rinse your face in warm water. While your skin is still dripping wet, begin to massage the baking powder into your skin in a circular motion, apply more water as needed. Follow with your favorite toner or astringent.

Clay Mask

Clay has been used as a healing therapy since ancient times. Many animals in the wild, and primitive tribes around the world have used clay instinctively to eliminate toxins from the body, to regulate digestive problems, and to treat skin disorders.

A clay facial mask does wonders for any kind of skin. In the case of a acne, regular use of clay masks reduce infection, swelling, and help close the pores while leaving you with a glowing skin. If you chose to use clay masks to treat acne, I recommend that you get pure living, therapeutic clay such as montmorillonite, bentonite, or pascalite. There are many prepared clay masks that you can find over the counter; however, most of them contain other ingredients, and preservatives.

As a remedy to treat acne, I recommend you apply a mask made of pure living clay at least once a week. Mix the clay with water to make a paste, apply to your face avoiding the eyes. Leave on until the clay dries then, rinse off with warm water.

For more acne home remedies, and information about acne natural skin care, and treatment visit http://www.acnenaturalcures.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Heal Acne - 5 Ways to Heal Acne Fast

Chronic acne has always been a distressing sign for most of people. The reason is that it causes five major set backs to the sufferers. These include: anxiety, inflammation, blackheads, depression, and lastly the irritation. In this context, a permanent cure for acne becomes absolutely necessary for the people. Here, you will have to follow these kinds of crucial methods to heal acne:

1. Oral Antibiotics
Such kind of medicines work tremendously within your body, and these are typically approved for a phase e.g. 2 to 3 years. Oral antibiotics are an effective heal acne in 2 out of 3 cases, killing the bacteria that contribute toward acne, but they can take quite a few months of usage before starting to perk up the skin. The symbolic antibiotics approved are: erythromycin, minocycline, and tetracycline, etc.

2. Oral Contraceptives
For women of course, these medications work terrifically by removing the consequences of the male hormone androgen. As a result, less oil is twisted in the skin surface. Heal acne with oral contraceptives typically lasts for a phase of three months to quite a lot of years.

3. Accutane
This drug is merely prescribed for chronic acne cases. Prepared from vitamin A, accutane successfully works in more than a few different ways. It formulates oil glands lesser, and it diminishes the amount of sebum manufactured. It trims down the flaking of skin cells, and it emphatically murders bacteria. As you may well see, accutane is a very influential treatment. As a result, you could see a few side effects of this drug.

4. Retinoids
Retin-A is a frequently prescribed blackhead treatment that is offered in form of lotion, cream, and gel. This is a very effective heal acne. The reason is that it gets under the skin to speed up the peeling of skin cells and loosen blocks. Besides, it helps you in vanishing marks on your skin occurred due to acne.

5. Topical Antibiotics
This is a successful heal acne. Widespread antibiotics for this rationale are erythromycin and clindamycin, and they are offered in form of creams, lotions, gels, and astringents. This is another great and effective way to heal acne.

Are you sick and tired of looking in the mirror everyday only to notice your horrible acne? Have you been trying everything but still not seeing results? If so, the reason is you're doing EVERYTHING wrong! If you want to clear up your acne in less then a week permanently and would like more information, then check out http://www.goldenreviews.net/acne-free-in-3-days-review/

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - Childhood Acne

Acne is a condition that the majority of teenagers have to contend with at some time or another. For some it's just the occasional zit. For others, it's an ongoing battle against seemingly irrepressible outbreaks of pimples. The acne period for most people is between the ages of 12 and 22, but for some, the fight begins much earlier. These are children who suffer with childhood acne.

Childhood acne usually takes one of three forms: neonatal acne, infantile acne, of early onset acne vulgaris.

Neonatal acne is a fairly common condition that affects about 20% of newborn babies. For the most part, it appears in as open or closed comedones (acne lesions), otherwise known as blackheads and whiteheads. Sometimes papules or pustules appear as well. These are the red, raised lesions, with or with out a pus-filled head. The cause is related to in utero hormones that over stimulate the baby's sebaceous glands, which leads to the child breaking out with acne. These hormones migrate through the placenta, and after the baby is born, cause pimples on his or her face. Understandably this can cause a fair amount of consternation for the parents of these babies, who aren't expecting a newborn with a teen's skin problems.

This condition tends to affect male babies more than females and can develop at any time: from birth to three weeks after birth. Usually it's limited to the facial area, but can sometimes appear on the scalp as well. It rarely requires medical treatment though as most cases clear up by themselves in a matter of a few months. It's helpful to keep the baby's face clean but it goes without saying that one should only use the mildest of cleansers, and sparingly at that. Also avoid the use of oils and lotions on the skin, which can aggravate the condition.

Infantile acne is the type that develops in babies after about three months. This is unrelated to neonatal acne, which forms shortly after birth. It also appears as a result of in utero hormonal activity, but tends to be more severe than newborn acne. It too usually disappears by it self in about a year, but may require treatment. For some, it doesn't clear up until the age of 3. Babies with this condition will normally develop papules on the face but can also have pustules, whiteheads and blackheads. Babies with more severe cases of this acne may be treated with the milder types of the available over the counter topical medications. This should help to alleviate any inflammation and swelling experienced by the child.

While the bulk of acne occurs in the teenage years, and some newborns and infants experience it as well; the incidence of acne in those between infancy and the teens us rare, but does occur. It's known as early onset acne. The sebaceous glands are not active during the childhood years, and so children of this age don't often come down with acne. These oil glands start to become active during puberty due to the increased levels of hormones. When children do develop early onset acne, it may be due to the premature onset of puberty. In some cases though, children of those families that are prone to acne, can develop childhood acne.

Acne does occur in children in one of these tree forms, and is sometimes reason enough to visit the child's pediatrician. If your child has inflamed lesions or an extensive amount of acne, an examination by a medical professional is in order.

Stephanie McIntyre and Wendell Bryant are Internet developers. Visit their site at http://www.acnesolutionsuniverse.com

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