วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Chest Acne - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Chest acne is also known as body acne and can range in appearance from a few red pimples and spots to weeping pustules, blackheads, whiteheads and even cysts. In its mild form, it may not always cause major discomfort but severe forms can lead to skin infection, bleeding and scarring.

Who gets chest acne?

Chest acne can affect people ranging from 11 to 40 years old and above. It can appear equally in both men and women. It is still a mystery why chest acne can afflict some people while others don't exhibit the same problem. Its root cause is still unknown. It does have a tendency to run in families and it usually appears in people with extra oily skin and those who sweat excessively.

How does chest acne develop?

Chest acne develops in the same way as regular acne does. Oil-producing sebaceous glands found just underneath the skin's surface naturally excrete sebum. Usually, no problems occur as long as the rate of sebum production remains normal. Sebum and dead skin cells are usually washed away during regular cleansing and bathing, so the skin remains clear. It is only when there is hyperactivity in the glands that there is reason for concern.

When there is an over production of sebum, the pores become clogged. The trapped sebum and dead skin cells create the perfect living condition for the bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes. These bacteria settle on the skin, multiply and cause skin infection. This infection leads to the formation of pimples or acne, characterized by red and inflamed bumps.

Treating chest acne

If what you have is a mild form of chest acne, also referred to as 'zits', you're probably in luck. Chest acne that is still in its initial stages is usually easier to treat. You also don't need to worry about the type and number of treatments available for chest acne because there are many options you can choose from, depending on the severity of your condition.

There is no known cure for acne and any product promising to erase your chest acne for good may be stretching the truth. This is because there is no true cure for acne since its root cause is unknown. Whatever treatment that is available in the market today is used mainly to address the symptoms. Eradicate the symptoms and you eradicate chest acne.

If you have chest acne, never try to press a pimple with your bare hands or attempt to cut through a cyst. You will risk infection if you do and you could even cause some scarring to appear. Try to handle your chest acne as gently as possible and remember to keep your hands off unless necessary.

Use an antibacterial soap that is especially formulated to treat acne and wash the affected area. You might have to repeat the process depending on the product's or your doctor's recommendation. Carefully dry your skin and apply an antibacterial cream. Try to wash the affected area twice a day, once in the morning and once before going to bed.

There are several brands of over-the-counter creams and gels that are commonly used to treat chest acne, most of which contain the ingredient benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is an effective oxidizer and keratolytic that effectively kills the P. acnes bacteria and helps reduce the redness and swelling.

If applying a topical antibacterial ointment seems inconvenient, ask your doctor if it's possible for you to use an oral antibiotic. This is usually the method of treatment for acne that covers a wider area of the skin.
When taking antibiotics, you might have to follow a treatment course that could last for several weeks, sometimes as long as 12 weeks in more severe cases. If you don't complete a treatment using antibiotics, chest acne will reappear and might even worsen, so make sure you follow your doctor's recommendation.

For more severe forms of chest acne, such as those that involve pustules and cysts, see a doctor for a proper recommendation of treatment. He might prescribe stronger medications that you can take in oral form or receive as an injection. You might also be recommended for steroids or laser therapy.

Tight clothing and chest acne

If you find that tight clothing tends to aggravate your chest acne, try to avoid wearing them. Choose clothes that do not hug your skin too much and wear fabrics made of light, breathable material like cotton. Try not to use fabrics that may chafe or irritate your skin.

For days when you need to expose your décolletage, there is an emergency fix you can use. Apply a mild disinfectant on your skin and use a concealer that contains salicylic acid. Use a swab to apply the product to ensure that you keep the area germ-free. This will serve as a temporary solution until after you've found the perfect solution for your chest acne.

Flor Serquina is a writer and also a wife and a mother who has a great interest in maintaining the healthy skin of the members of her large family. For more information visit her website, where she discusses various subjects such as chest acne, treating cystic acne and nodular acne treatment.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Solutions From TV

How many times have you been staying up late and night and have seen a commercial for an acne treatment product that seems to wonderful and perfect that it's almost too good to be true? Well unfortunately it probably is. Acne solutions from TV are generally not that reliable. For example, let's use the acne treatment product Pro Active. This acne product boasts great results with hundreds even thousands of people, including sexy starlet Jessica Simpson, who is the main spokesperson for the product. It's important to remember that the testimonials given on these products are people who are being paid to do so.

If you want to know which acne treatment products advertised on TV really work, then hit the internet, it is there you will find the truth. You might have to do a little bit of searching around, but eventually you will come to a site that will give you honest testimonials and opinions on the product that you are considering. Never go to the product's main website for information or opinions on it, because of course they are going to try to make their product look at attractive as possible, it's all part of the world of marketing.

I have yet to see a commercial or website for an acne treatment product that says one single bad thing about their product. Realistically, no one product works for everyone and any company or commercial that tells you otherwise it just flat out lying. Just remember not to be too naive when it comes to people trying to sell you their products, their bottom line is to make as much money and possible and don't ever think otherwise. You have to be wise when it comes to how you spend your money and take care of your skin so don't succumb to just any commercial out there.

Despite the great things people say about some acne products, I have found that most acne treatments simply did not work for me.

But after years of struggling to get rid of my acne, I finally found something that was able to almost completely cure my acne in less than a week.

=> Click here to read my acne story <=

Seriously, stop wasting time and money on treatments that just don't work. It's not worth it!


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How To Control Your Acne Breakout

As a teenager, you should find out whether your skin is the oily, dry or a combination of oily and dry type, so that you will know what method of control measure to use. Acne control measures and medications for different skin types are available online, but applying the wrong care can bring about cystic or severe acne.

Often teenage acne finds its way back to your skin later in adulthood. Why this happens has not been pinpointed, but it is obvious that adult acne results from teenage acne. The other type of adult acne is work environment induced. For example, acne or skin disorders resulting form exposure to Chlorinated industrial chemicals.

You should, therefore, make effort as a teenager to nip acne in the bud by starting basic bcontrol measures early. This will stop your acne, when it appears, from affecting too many areas on your body. Acne and its degree depend largely on the genetics of an individual teenager. Some people will have just wee acne while others will have severe acne.

The following measures if followed religiously will act as good control against wide spread acne:

  • Do not break your pimples, your fingers are not always clean and could introduce germs into your pimples to cause you cystic acne.
  • Wash your hands and face thrice a day. Washing your face does not mean scrubbing; do the washing gently with the palm of your hand.
  • Stay away from frying environment. Most people have the erroneous belief that eating fried food cause pimples and acne, but what is right is that being in a frying environment exposes your skin to airborne frying grease which when settled on your kin can clog your pores and cause acne.
  • Do not use oil based cosmetics, they can also clog your pores. Girls, especially, should avoid such cosmetics. They should also wash their faces before bed every night.

All said, the bottom line is to start the above habits early to minimize your acne, since almost every teenager will suffer some degree of acne before adulthood. And when eventually your acne appears, look for a proven medication that works. Information is available online.

Neshah writes for your sound health. He recommends New Acne Treatment for a sure cure of your acne within three days. Please email this article to your family members, friends and colleagues, they will love you for it. Acne happens in every family.

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วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Be Acne Free in 14 Days

With the increasing rate of pollution, there has also been an increase in skin problems. It is a misconceived notion that acne outburst occurs due to unhealthy conditions and unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle. These are however not true. External factors are not wholly responsible for the outbreak of acne, it is true that some foods could result into acne formation. You cannot blame it completely on the unhealthy lifestyle and dietary habits.

Some tips for becoming acne free in 14 days are as follows:

Avoid touching the spot where acne has developed:

It is not a good idea to rub the acne and popping zits. However tempting I may be to pop it out, avoid doing this as it could cause scars. These scars also take time to fade. Some scars take as much as a year to disappear. When you pop that yellow zit, the acne is not going to get rid of . The greater the pressure you exert on it, the puss would spread to the nearby parts. It would happen that one fine day; you get up and notice new zits growing on your face.

Remain Hydrated by drinking at least 2 liters of water daily

Water is a universal hydrant. Ensure that the body gets the requisite amount of water. Drinking close to 2 liters of water daily helps in flushing out the toxins from the body. It helps in cleansing the digestive and circulatory system. When the body remains well hydrated, the body works in a better fashion and gets rid of organisms which cause acne.

Refrain from using cosmetics and other beauty products

Make sure the beauty products you use are not oil based as these are absolutely not friends with acne. When you apply these lotions and cream based products, it prevents the pores from breathing and they get clogged. Irrespective of whether you have attracted acne or not, ensure you use cosmetics which are meant for acne suffered skin.

Ensure you get lots of sunshine and fresh air

Sunshine is necessary for the skin. Vitamin D is a very important component if you want your skin to be free from acne and glowing. More fresh air and sunshine means your skin is able to breathe well. This is important for rejuvenating your skin, mind and body.


For a healthy skin and body, ensure you stay healthy by regular exercising. Brisk walking is a very good exercise and it helps to tone bones, muscles and the skin as well. When we walk, you are able to remove the toxins from the body by way of sweating. Hence, make sure you engage in outdoor activities for staying fit and healthy. A fit and healthy leads to a healthy skin.

Gently wash your face

Make sure you scrub your face gently only with plain water. Avoid soaps which are harsh on the skin and they would damage the skin further. It could lead more outbreaks of acne.

If you really want to get rid of acne and be acne free in 14 days, we suggest you to visit http://zitstreatments.org/

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วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

5 Great Home Recipes For Acne Treatment

In the US, millions of dollars are being spent each year on acne medication, and acne skin care products; however, as most people who suffer from acne can attest, the majority of these products only give temporary relief, with the added downside of mild to severe side effects.

If you're someone who's struggling with mild to moderate acne, you can control it with natural products you can find around the house, or your garden. Here are 5 great acne home remedy recipes that you can prepare right in your kitchen. These are things you can use safely to keep your pores closed, to treat surface infection, reduce swelling, and soften your skin.

Thyme As An Astringent

Thyme is excellent for treating acne. Add about 1 tablespoon of dried thyme, or a small bunch of fresh thyme to 1 cup of boiling water, and steep for at least fifteen minutes. Strain and store in a jar in the refrigerator. Apply to skin as an astringent to tighten pores. Keep in the refrigerator for about one week.

Calendula as a Toner

Calendula (marigold) is one of those power herbs that has many uses. Taken internally, calendula has been used to reduce inflammation, as a detox to cleanse the liver and gallbladder, and to treat digestive disorders. Calendula is also an excellent skin care herb for the treatment of acne. It soothes inflammation, and it's effective in healing damaged tissue caused by acne.

Use calendula toner as part of your daily acne skin care regimen. To make the toner, add one teaspoon of dried calendula flowers to one cup of boiling water, and steep until it cools. Strain, and store in a clean jar with a tightly fitting lid. Keep in the refrigerator for about a week.

Keep Your Pores Clean With Garlic.

There have been many reports evidencing the healing benefits of garlic when applied to the skin to treat acne. Apply a paste of two crushed cloves of garlic to the face taking care not to get any of it in your eyes. Leave on for no more than 15 minutes. If the smell bothers you, lather your face with pure African black soap, and rinse with warm water.

This is a good treatment for acne, but you should use it with extreme caution if you have sensitive skin as garlic is very strong, and can burn, or irritate your skin. It's recommended that you do a skin test before applying it to your full face. You can also use garlic juice by crushing the garlic and squeezing the juice through a garlic press. Do spot treatment directly on the pimples, and zits. Leave on for 5 minutes then rinse with warm water.

Baking Soda As A Mask And Exfoliator

You can use baking soda to treat acne either as a mask or a scrub. When used as a facial mask, baking powder will absorb all the surface oil, tighten your pores, and leave your skin incredibly soft. To make the mask, mix baking soda with a little water into a paste. Apply to your face, and leave on for ten minutes, or until the mask is dry. Rinse with warm water.

You can also use baking soda as a scrub to eliminate flaking skin, and excess dirt from you pores. Rinse your face in warm water. While your skin is still dripping wet, begin to massage the baking powder into your skin in a circular motion, apply more water as needed. Follow with your favorite toner or astringent.

Clay Mask

Clay has been used as a healing therapy since ancient times. Many animals in the wild, and primitive tribes around the world have used clay instinctively to eliminate toxins from the body, to regulate digestive problems, and to treat skin disorders.

A clay facial mask does wonders for any kind of skin. In the case of a acne, regular use of clay masks reduce infection, swelling, and help close the pores while leaving you with a glowing skin. If you chose to use clay masks to treat acne, I recommend that you get pure living, therapeutic clay such as montmorillonite, bentonite, or pascalite. There are many prepared clay masks that you can find over the counter; however, most of them contain other ingredients, and preservatives.

As a remedy to treat acne, I recommend you apply a mask made of pure living clay at least once a week. Mix the clay with water to make a paste, apply to your face avoiding the eyes. Leave on until the clay dries then, rinse off with warm water.

For more acne home remedies, and information about acne natural skin care, and treatment visit http://www.acnenaturalcures.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Heal Acne - 5 Ways to Heal Acne Fast

Chronic acne has always been a distressing sign for most of people. The reason is that it causes five major set backs to the sufferers. These include: anxiety, inflammation, blackheads, depression, and lastly the irritation. In this context, a permanent cure for acne becomes absolutely necessary for the people. Here, you will have to follow these kinds of crucial methods to heal acne:

1. Oral Antibiotics
Such kind of medicines work tremendously within your body, and these are typically approved for a phase e.g. 2 to 3 years. Oral antibiotics are an effective heal acne in 2 out of 3 cases, killing the bacteria that contribute toward acne, but they can take quite a few months of usage before starting to perk up the skin. The symbolic antibiotics approved are: erythromycin, minocycline, and tetracycline, etc.

2. Oral Contraceptives
For women of course, these medications work terrifically by removing the consequences of the male hormone androgen. As a result, less oil is twisted in the skin surface. Heal acne with oral contraceptives typically lasts for a phase of three months to quite a lot of years.

3. Accutane
This drug is merely prescribed for chronic acne cases. Prepared from vitamin A, accutane successfully works in more than a few different ways. It formulates oil glands lesser, and it diminishes the amount of sebum manufactured. It trims down the flaking of skin cells, and it emphatically murders bacteria. As you may well see, accutane is a very influential treatment. As a result, you could see a few side effects of this drug.

4. Retinoids
Retin-A is a frequently prescribed blackhead treatment that is offered in form of lotion, cream, and gel. This is a very effective heal acne. The reason is that it gets under the skin to speed up the peeling of skin cells and loosen blocks. Besides, it helps you in vanishing marks on your skin occurred due to acne.

5. Topical Antibiotics
This is a successful heal acne. Widespread antibiotics for this rationale are erythromycin and clindamycin, and they are offered in form of creams, lotions, gels, and astringents. This is another great and effective way to heal acne.

Are you sick and tired of looking in the mirror everyday only to notice your horrible acne? Have you been trying everything but still not seeing results? If so, the reason is you're doing EVERYTHING wrong! If you want to clear up your acne in less then a week permanently and would like more information, then check out http://www.goldenreviews.net/acne-free-in-3-days-review/

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - Childhood Acne

Acne is a condition that the majority of teenagers have to contend with at some time or another. For some it's just the occasional zit. For others, it's an ongoing battle against seemingly irrepressible outbreaks of pimples. The acne period for most people is between the ages of 12 and 22, but for some, the fight begins much earlier. These are children who suffer with childhood acne.

Childhood acne usually takes one of three forms: neonatal acne, infantile acne, of early onset acne vulgaris.

Neonatal acne is a fairly common condition that affects about 20% of newborn babies. For the most part, it appears in as open or closed comedones (acne lesions), otherwise known as blackheads and whiteheads. Sometimes papules or pustules appear as well. These are the red, raised lesions, with or with out a pus-filled head. The cause is related to in utero hormones that over stimulate the baby's sebaceous glands, which leads to the child breaking out with acne. These hormones migrate through the placenta, and after the baby is born, cause pimples on his or her face. Understandably this can cause a fair amount of consternation for the parents of these babies, who aren't expecting a newborn with a teen's skin problems.

This condition tends to affect male babies more than females and can develop at any time: from birth to three weeks after birth. Usually it's limited to the facial area, but can sometimes appear on the scalp as well. It rarely requires medical treatment though as most cases clear up by themselves in a matter of a few months. It's helpful to keep the baby's face clean but it goes without saying that one should only use the mildest of cleansers, and sparingly at that. Also avoid the use of oils and lotions on the skin, which can aggravate the condition.

Infantile acne is the type that develops in babies after about three months. This is unrelated to neonatal acne, which forms shortly after birth. It also appears as a result of in utero hormonal activity, but tends to be more severe than newborn acne. It too usually disappears by it self in about a year, but may require treatment. For some, it doesn't clear up until the age of 3. Babies with this condition will normally develop papules on the face but can also have pustules, whiteheads and blackheads. Babies with more severe cases of this acne may be treated with the milder types of the available over the counter topical medications. This should help to alleviate any inflammation and swelling experienced by the child.

While the bulk of acne occurs in the teenage years, and some newborns and infants experience it as well; the incidence of acne in those between infancy and the teens us rare, but does occur. It's known as early onset acne. The sebaceous glands are not active during the childhood years, and so children of this age don't often come down with acne. These oil glands start to become active during puberty due to the increased levels of hormones. When children do develop early onset acne, it may be due to the premature onset of puberty. In some cases though, children of those families that are prone to acne, can develop childhood acne.

Acne does occur in children in one of these tree forms, and is sometimes reason enough to visit the child's pediatrician. If your child has inflamed lesions or an extensive amount of acne, an examination by a medical professional is in order.

Stephanie McIntyre and Wendell Bryant are Internet developers. Visit their site at http://www.acnesolutionsuniverse.com

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วันเสาร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Red Marks Acne - Tips To Minimize

Acne and the red marks it leaves on the skin are the number one reason that people visit the dermatologist's office. Red facial marks and acne aren't a medical emergency and be treated fairly easily, but people still spend millions on visits to specialists. There are thankfully some easy solutions to this all too common problem.

For people suffering from red marks acne, it is critical that they use the correct type of skin cleanser product. They should insure that only non-comedogenic (non-irritating) cleansers should be bought. The most effective regimen is to wash your face with the cleanser at least twice a day, once in the morning and again before turning in for the night. If they wear makeup, it should be completely removed as well during the cleansing process.

Second, you will want to develop a basic skin care regimen to treat your red marks acne. This involves cleansing twice daily, as we already noted, as well as applying the properly balanced moisturizer to your skin after cleansing. Moisturizers are available in formulas for oily, dry, or combination skin types, so make sure to buy the correct one! Remember, not everyone with acne has oily skin.

Next, only use makeup products that are formulated for people with skin problems. A good choice is often mineral-based makeup, which is generally non-comedogenic and non-allergenic. Apply your makeup lightly so that your skin can "breathe" properly, and always make sure to moisturize before makeup application, as well as to remove it completely and cleanse your skin well at night. Remember, the smallest amount of makeup worn as infrequently as possible is the best choice to reduce acne.

Finally, a good option for people with pimples is a special skin care serum which contains anti-inflammatory agents. Anti-inflammatories damp down the immune response of your skin to irritants, making it look and feel better and reducing redness. You may also choose to use a moisturizer with anti-inflammatory agents built right in.

If you are dealing with long-term red-marks type of acne, or if you only have some pimples, you really need to have a good idea about taking care of your skin, including knowing what products will help. Studies have shown that most folks can get great results without spending a fortune.

The Acne Help Page is a virtual encyclopedia of information on acne including red facial marks. Read about what others are doing in regard to red marks acne at the acne treatment results page.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Butt Acne - How to Keep Your Rear Clear

Most people realize that acne is probably the most common skin problem people face. And most people have dealt with acne at some time in their life, usually in adolescence although many adults suffer from acne as well. And while most people deal with acne breakouts on their face, it can actually affect any are of the body, including the neck, the back and even your buttocks. And though it might sound uncommon, butt acne is a serious problem for many people.

Butt acne is much like facial acne or other forms of acne, both in terms of how it forms, the embarrassment it can cause and the variety of ways it can be treated. In general, it is usually caused by glands in the skin producing excess oil. This overproduction of oil can eventually block the follicles causing blemishes. This is similar to what happens with facial and other forms of acne also. In addition, aggressive growth of bacteria on that part of the body can lead to clogged follicles, causing the same result.

The presence of butt acne can actually be a sign of a more serious acne problem so those with severe acne elsewhere should keep an eye out for outbreaks in this region as well. However, you should also consider whether or not the cause of the acne is actually a reaction to your laundry detergent or other products you might use when washing or drying your clothes. In some cases, this is found to be the culprit, leading to an easy solution.

There is definitely hope for people dealing with this sort of problem though. Since the causes of butt acne are similar to other forms of acne, it only makes sense that the treatments would be similar as well. If you already have acne treatments for other forms of acne, it's worth giving those a shot first since they will hopefully produce the same results on other parts of the body.

If this happens to be your first acne outbreak, you should start trying one of the many acne-fighting remedies available to see what works for you (this might take some trial and error since some people get different results).

Finally, if the legions are too painful or irritated, it's time to bring in the help of a professional, either going straight to your dermatologist or through a general practitioner first if you have to.

Whatever you do, and as is always the case with any form of acne, try to avoid picking at the acne or squeezing the lesions. This is known to cause acne to spread and cause scarring also. The situation is no different with butt acne.

FACT: Acne affects 90% of people worldwide. Why are some people able to stop acne dead in its tracks while others continue to suffer? Discover how you can quickly and easily treat acne, prevent acne outbreaks and get the clear skin you deserve by visiting RemediesForAcne.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Body Acne - Acne Does Not Limit Itself to Face Alone

Body acne has been found to affect the adolescents in the same way as acne which grows up on face. Only difference between face acne and body acne is the problems associated with their visibility. Adolescents are more cautious of facial acne as it is more visible. Exact cause of body acne is still not known. But probably it has the same reasons which facial acne has. While light to moderate acne can be treated with following strict regimen, the bigger definitely requires going to physician. Irritation can make this body acne worse. Sweat is also responsible for making the condition of acne worse. Lesions resulting from acute form of acne are large and painful


Normally employed treatments of benzyl peroxide needs to be handled with extra precautions as benzoyl peroxide bleaches the fabric which comes in contact with the chemical. It is therefore advised that whenever the patient is undergoing treatment with benzoyl peroxide he or she should wear only white. Even the dried lotions or gels having benzoyl peroxide can cause bleaching action to take place. Purse straps and back packs may also aggravate the problems. Facial skin is softer than other body areas including neck. Therefore a little bit more concentrated benzoyl peroxide solution can be tried on body than a facial part. And as the body gets acclimatized, the concentration can be further raised up.

Avoid wearing revealing cloths as they your body may look quite bad if these acne are visible. Swimming should altogether be avoided as excess chlorine present in the swimming pool water may have adverse effect on the body acne. Avoid going to the areas where lots of dust dirt is there.


Presence of body acne should not be cause of shame or embarrassment. This ailment can affect anybody and therefore one should not be ashamed off. Greater is the inflammation greater will be the scar so try to limit the spread of inflammation to smaller areas only. Neck is a very sensitive area. One should be careful in applying Glycolic acid and benzoyl peroxide solutions to the neck area. Glycolic based lotions are used only for very large acne. If the results are not visible in a day or two one must not lost patience but instead continue with the treatment because in some cases effect shows up in months. Like face the body has to be kept clean and washed three four times in a day with Salicylic acids. This acts as cleansing agent and keeps the body clean from grime, dust, sweat and dirt.

Body acne needs the same kind of treatment as facial acne will. The only important factor which needs to be remembered here is that although face has softer skin but one should not immediately starts applying concentrated benzoyl peroxide solutions on affected body areas. The progress needs to be steady.

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วันพุธที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Effective Acne Treatment

Prom night is a day away. You have your dress for the prom. Your friends have arranged for an escort. However, when you wake up there it is right on top of your nose is a zit, an ugly acne that you cannot hide. What will you do? Freak-out, hide behind the closet or cry your heart out because you will miss the prom night. You need not do this, I can help you with quick fixes and some proven acne treatments to ensure you will not miss the occasion.

Acne is a problem most teenagers suffer. In the olden days, teenagers who get acne miss out on a lot of things. This should not happen, please read below for effective acne treatments.

Acne Treatment

• Benzoyl peroxide is effective in drying out pimples. It also kills bacteria and unclogs the pores. You can find over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide acne treatments. Follow the label on how to use it.

• Retin-A is also an effective acne treatment but this is only available with your doctor's prescription. It may cause peeling and will make your skin sensitive to the sun. You should use this only at night and of course as prescribed by your doctor.

• Accutane, this is also an effective acne treatment but women needs to be careful in using accutane as it may cause damage to developing fetus.

• Topical antibiotics, they will help kill the bacteria and heal the acne. It may however take longer for your acne to be clear.

• Wash your face with mild facial foam at least twice a day. Do not over wash, because it may further irritate the skin.

• Do not prick your pimple, it may spread the bacteria and worsen your condition.

There are many more acne treatments you can try but you may need to seek the advice of your doctor.

If you do not want to miss your prom night, you may try the following quick fixes.

• Carefully prick the top of the acne with sterilized needle, not with your hands. Apply alcohol and it will dry out soon.

• To lessen the redness, use Vaseline eye drop.

• You may also apply ice and gentle press it on the zit for a couple of minutes and repeat every 15 minutes until the pimple shrinks.

• Use the magic of concealer if on the day of the prom there are still some traces of your acne.

Finally, you may not need acne treatment or its quick fixes if you can avoid having acne at all. Your face needs proper care. It starts by ensuring that your pores will never clog by washing your face with mild facial wash and keeping it well nourished is the key to clean and clear face.

Do not allow acne to make you feel inferior, your face is important. Take care of it and you will surely avoid acne.

Acne Treatments
Clear Acne
Causes of Adult Acne

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วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scar Treatment - 3 Secrets To Get Rid of Acne Scars Fast

Getting rid of acne scar is not an easy and short process at all. It requires time and consistency if you are going to remove them using home remedies instead of surgery. I will be showing you some of the most popular and effective home remedies you can use today to fade away your acne scar in less than a month.

First of all, there are different kinds of acne scar but all of these remedies can treat them all. Below are 3 home remedies you can begin using today. Please use them every day for faster result.

1. Using Ice Cubes.

This is by far the easiest and fastest way to fade away your scar. When you rub ice on your scar, the coldness makes it less noticeable and even removes the damaged tissue little by little. Just rub an ice cube on your scar for 5 minutes each day. You can even use this remedy to make your acne look less noticeable.

2. Using Honey

Honey is a great remedy for treating sore throat, sleeping problem, and even headache. Simply rub a little honey onto your scar at night when you're off to bed. When you wake up in the morning to wash it off, you will be amazed. Do this every day for maximum effect. This remedy also works in treating and preventing acne as well.

3. Using Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice helps in lightening the scars and blemishes of the skin. Lemon also has Vitamin C and other nutrients to help make your skin look healthier too. All you need to do is rub a little lemon juice onto your scar each day and then wash it off 10-30 minutes later.

So there you have it, 3 of the best home remedies you can use to remove your acne scar. Apply it consistently and you will see result in 2-3 weeks. If you're looking to never get acne scar again, then the best thing to do is to never get acne. You can learn all about getting rid of acne and being acne free for life below.

Visit http://TopAcneRemedy.com to download a copy of "Acne Free in 3 Days" if you need to get rid of your acne fast and naturally.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Prevention - Changing Your Life Style for Better Skin

From using weird-looking stuffs to sending oneself to the operating room, ways to eliminate acne have surely created waves in either simplifying to sophisticating the process. But somewhere in between lays the often-suggested way to help someone get around possible acne outbreak- life style changes.

Advocates of healthy living agree that once a person modifies the way by which he or she runs through a day, the possibility of lessening the development of acne is highly possible. Since lifestyle focuses exactly on how we live our daily lives, this means that changes will have to be integrated into normal living. This would result to a ripple effect of changes that are healthy enough to ensure that the person

Take your emotions into a controlled level. Never forget that the skin is the window to your soul. Any turmoil you feel inside would be reflected on the conditions of your skin. Low self-esteem, high level of stress and any other unnecessary negative feelings you have inside will become visible by the inflammation of your skin. You will notice that during when your stress levels are so high, there would be a great number of pimples sprouting in your face. However, during your relaxed periods, or during when you have manageable level of stress or any emotional chaos, you will notice that the number of pimples is minimized. Whether you believe it or not, stress is really one major factor as to hwy your skin is being damaged by acne. Stress, in itself, could result to overproduction of oil in the skin or it may cause you to take your face for granted, even for a while.

Thus it is highly recommended that you take good care of your emotional states as much as you take care of your body. Always maintain a manageable level of stress and be sure to have your personal time when you can do whatever you want without having to think of work, of school or of any stressful events.

Give yourself enough sleep, enough rest and enough leeway to relax yourself.

Practice good hygiene. We all have our personal ways of being hygienic however there are standard ways to maintain one's ideal hygiene level. If you used to wash your face thrice or more a day then you must learn that to be able to prevent acne, you must exercise twice-a-day washing practice. Or, if you are using astringents that have shrinking effects on the pores of your skin then it is in your best interest to stop using them right away as this could result to even more clogged mixture of oil, dirt and dead cells in the pores. It is also good to practice washing your towels regularly so that potentially harmful acne bacteria could be prevented from thriving on your towel and would later be transferred on your face.

Have a healthy diet. You would hear this all the time, even if you are not a sufferer of acne. Issues on oily foods may not necessarily be connected with acne but practicing a good diet will likely lead to fairer complexion. You don't really have to get away from peanuts, chocolates or caffeine. You, however, have to be very careful in choosing the foods that would help improve the condition of your skin. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as these have natural vitamins and minerals that are helpful in maintaining soft, beautiful skin (even though parts of it may be inflamed due to acne).

Drink plenty of liquids. When we say liquids these have to be water and fruit juices. Enough with carbonated and noncarbonated drinks. If you want to have a beautiful skin even while suffering from acne, you would have to increase fluid intake as this could help make your skin a lot healthier. If it would not help maintain your skin sufficiently (which of course an impossibility) then at least you would help the inner components of your body to maintain themselves healthily.

Have a good outlook in life. If you have an acne-bombarded face then live its reality but don’t let this consume you. Some people are become so absorbed with their skin problems that they are inhibited from normal functioning. They lose self esteem, self confidence and the zest of social life. Don’t let this happen to you. Acne is just a normal part of life and you will just have to deal with it with enough patience with active treatment.

You see, simple life style changes may not necessarily cure acne but they could help cure you of your acne-induce troubles.

For more information on acne and skin beauty, please go to:

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Cure Your Acne With Coconut Oil Treatment

If you or someone you love suffers from acne - what you want to know is what you can do about it. Yes, you can do it -- look better, feel better, and raise your self-esteem by getting rid of your acne cheaply, naturally and for good. Keeping your skin clear doesn't have to be a trying experience with so many cheaper natural treatments available today.

Nearly 80 percent of people from ages 11 to 30 years have acne, most often on the face, chest and back. Acne is the most common skin disease. Numerous studies have revealed that acne is not simply a problem of the young; it also afflicts people of many ages, and can severely affect their daily lives. Nearly 17 million people in the United States have acne.

I think the cause of acne is related to our acidic, inflammatory 'standard American diet' (SAD) and that would also influence all of our hormones including stress hormones. If you've heard that dirty skin causes acne, it doesn't - it's a myth. The liver gets rid of toxins from bad food, drugs and chemicals and sends them through the skin resulting in eruptions, acne, pimples and other skin disorders.

Some natural home remedies include dabbing on non-gel toothpaste or lemon juice to dry out zits. When you wash your face use a soft touch, taking care not to rub or scrub your skin. This is a little messy but you can try making a paste by mixing three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon together and applying the paste on your pimples at bedtime for two weeks, and wash it off each morning; honey has anti-bacterial action - a cheap, natural home remedy.

One helpful remedy seems to be to use ice to reduce the swelling caused by inflamed pimples: rub it over the blemishes for 2-3 minutes. A new, non-invasive treatment using red light and blue light in combination has been extremely successful on severe acne. Try a diligent application of coconut oil several times a day and at bedtime to see the healing benefits.

Make sure to stay out of the sun if you're taking any acne medications. The treatment plan for acne includes trying to heal the pimples, stopping new pimples from forming, preventing scarring and helping reduce embarrassment. If you wear make-up choose it carefully; it should be oil free.

Coconut oil is one of the best, if not the best, treatments I've found for acne. It bears repeating, you want to be good to your skin and never pop or squeeze a pimple no matter how tempting. Treatment with raw apple cider vinegar will work better on your skin if it isn't already noticeably irritated from acne medicines, acne products or other failed treatment.

If you're going to buy acne products, it's much more worth your while to buy acne-treating products that work against current pimples and prevent the occurrence of new ones. Popping pimples can cause infection and scarring; best not to do it.

To cure yourself of acne, you need to correct the problems going on inside of your body that are causing the acne. Besides external acne treatment it's even more important to work from the inside out too. When you change your diet, your lesions should start getting better within a week or two, with significant improvement the first month.

The best acne treatment is a diet that will help the body eliminate waste; if you're eating the standard American diet (SAD) it'll be reflected in your skin. Adding a lot of fresh, raw fruit to the diet has helped many people clear their skin up; there are tons of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in fruits.

Good clear skin is often a reflection of a good digestive system. For an easy fiber boost, mix in two tablespoons of ground up flaxseeds into raw applesauce, from two to three apples, made in your food processor. Eating foods with essential fatty acids are particularly important to people with dry skin or acne.

Get plenty of sunshine on your arms and legs; sunshine triggers the production of Vitamin D3 which is essential to having healthy skin. Drink freshly extracted carrot juice, if you can, every day; carrot juice is an excellent cleanser for the liver, great for the skin and contains tons of nutrients, all beneficial for acne.

Fortunately, many people have discovered through trial and error how to cure their acne. In any case, try not to panic about your acne and take it day by day. There is hope - keep researching and testing.

For more information on natural treatments for acne and acne light therapy, go to http://www.Best-Skin-Solutions.com Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in acne, pimples and skin disorders with tips, advice and resources for adults, teens, and babies, including information on acne scar treatments

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วันเสาร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Do Tanning Beds Help Clear Acne?

Tanning beds are the most common method to get tanned, especially for those who live in areas that see all four seasons on a regular basis. Tanning beds are well documented for being worse for the skin than the sun's natural rays, but do tanning beds help clear acne? If tanning beds do, then short periods in the bed would be more beneficial than harmful.

Tanning beds provide bright, warm light directly to the body. This light is not filtered as the sun's light is. This light has all of the ultra violet lights that the ozone normally filters out of the sun's rays. This ultra violet light causes skin cancers and eye damage. In addition, this ultra violet light is thought to clear acne.

Acne is caused by dirt and oil clogging the pores in the face and body. Though it would be nice to say that ultra violet light is going to open the clogged pores, this is simply not the case. The ultra violet light does kill any bacteria that might be living in these clogged pores though. This is beneficial, but the same result can be achieved by simply washing the face and body with anti-bacterial soap.

The risk of damaging the skin, eyes, mouth, and body are much too high to use tanning beds to help clear or prevent acne. It is far more beneficial and effective to simply wash the skin and body with approved soaps. If acne persists or gets worse, contacting a dermatologist could be the best and safest bet.

http://tanningbedspro.com is a website devoted to giving you the latest information regarding tanning and tanning beds. Whether you're wondering if tanning helps prevent acne [http://tanningbedspro.com/Does_Tanning_Help_Prevent_Acne.html], or you simply want to know more about the home tanning bed [http://tanningbedspro.com/Home_Tanning_Bed.html], we've got you covered!

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วันศุกร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How To Remove Acne Scars - 4 Different Approaches

The usual causes of acne scarring may often be attributed to late, inadequate or failed methods of treatment, where the skin infection was allowed to progress before any treatment was used. The most common root cause of acne scarring is inflammatory nodular acne or nodulocystic acne, where lesions go deeper into the skin, affecting the surrounding tissue. The damage, when healed, results in a scar.

Another cause for acne is the manipulation of the pimples. People who press, prick or squeeze their pimples damage the skin, causing tearing and bleeding. This manipulation can also lead to further skin infection, aggravating the acne and producing unnecessary scars. There are also certain areas of the face that can suffer more from acne breakouts. The temples, for example, may not recover as well as cheeks do because there is less circulation in those areas.

Removing acne scars

Acne scars, once they are fully healed, can naturally reduce in size and become less noticeable as time passes. This usually works for scars that are mild to moderate but in more severe cases of acne scarring, even time may not be enough to produce the desired results. To remove acne scars, certain treatments and procedures might have to be utilized.

Treatments for removing acne scars

It's still best to prevent scars from happening because it's usually very difficult to repair them once they have appeared, especially if they are the result of a severe case of acne. However, if acne scars have already appeared, there are methods that may be used depending on the type of acne scar and on the severity of the condition.


Some topical medications, such hydroxy acid, may be used to remove acne scars. In some medicated facial treatments, a chemical called AHA or alpha hydroxy acid combined with Vitamin C, some amino acids and other nutrients, may also be used. These chemicals are applied on the skin to produce a mild peeling effect. AHA preparations help increase tissue healing and regeneration and also encourage the production of collagen. However, they do make patients more sensitive to sunlight.

Another common treatment for the removal of acne scars is the application of Vitamin A-derived retinoids, sometimes in the form of retinol or as retinoic acid. Retinol is alcohol-based and can help restore the skin's moisture. Retinoic acid, on the other hand, tends to dry the skin. However, retinoic acid is more effective in producing smoother, firmer skin. It is also more capable of evening out skin tone.

For mild to moderate cases of acne scars, medications can usually remove acne scars although they often cause skin redness and dryness. Significant improvement usually takes some time because skin should be allowed to heal before the medication is applied again. This method of acne scar removal can cost anywhere from $200 to a little over $1,500.


Dermabrasion is a common cosmetic procedure used to even out the skin and remove bumps and red spots. This method of acne scar removal is essentially like 'sanding' the surface of the skin to remove the dermis or the topmost layer. It can effectively smooth out the skin and reduce the appearance and size of the acne scars.

Probably the only drawback to dermabrasion is that it can be quite expensive, with procedures ranging from $1,500 to more than $2,000.

Skin resurfacing

For this method, laser is often used to remove acne scars. Using pulsed beams of high energy carbon dioxide laser, acne scars can be superficially removed and reduced. The result is a much improved area of skin.

Skin resurfacing is actually one of the safest and most effective methods of removing acne scars. This is also used to treat patients who have adverse reactions to acne medications. Skin resurfacing usually works better with newer scars than with old scars. It is as expensive as dermabrasion and sometimes, it can even cost more. It also requires a longer recovery time.


To remove acne scars that have developed raised, excess skin, a surgical procedure may be utilized. This procedure involves excising the skin, removing the areas that show bumps. This is often the preferred method of doctors who have patients with very deep acne scars.

Flor Serquina is a writer and also a wife and a mother who has a great interest in maintaining the healthy skin of the members of her large family. For more information visit her website, where she discusses various subjects such as how to

remove acne scars

laser surgery for acne and

acne scar healing

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Adult Acne - Helpful Tips and Effective Treatment Options

Most often than not, having zits are experienced at some point in teen years and it may surprise you when you find out that you can still have some of these even in your adult years. Indeed, age doesn't matter when the issue is about acne. According to some research, one in every five women between the age of twenty-five and forty usually experience some acne problems. This acne is so-called an adult acne.

For the past few years and even today, many people are still unaware of the existence of adult acne while those who already have knowledge about it don't know proper ways to cure it. Thus, it has created lots of myths conveying wrong information about the reasons and the treatments of it. However, if you already gain some knowledge about adult acne, then it would be already enough to find medications. So, do not spend your time worrying about having a great skin because there are several products you could use to clear up these blemishes.

I am quite sure that you've already heard some people saying that having pimples or acnes are caused by the food you eat or your diet. May be you also have taught that. But the truth is that this myth of getting acne by what you eat is indeed a distortion of the real cause of acne. In fact, it has almost nothing to do with adult acne except for the presence of iodine in the ingredient of common foods that we usually eat. Since iodine which could mostly be found on salts intensifies and triggers zits. Hence, it would be of major importance when you minimize your intake of foods with iodine. Always remember that too much of it could really make adult acne evident and flared up.

Some people usually wash their face over and over again just to make sure that they will not have acne problems. This is another myth about adult acne. Again, I am very sure that you are guilty on this. You can clean your face always but you will still have acne is you will not undergo necessary medications. It is true; acne is bound to happen regardless of how much you wash your face. May be you are confused why. It is primarily due to the fact that acne is a problem within and in order to solve this we will need certain things or products. Benzonyl peroxide is an excellent treatment for adult acne. It works in eradicating adult acne by spreading down to the pores, killing the bacteria that cause it.

Lastly, the most familiar myth is that only teenagers suffer from acne. Hust like what I mentioned above, even at your adult age, in your twenties, thirties or forties, you can still have acne because of stress as well as hormones.

If you like to get rid of adult acne at any moment, then you should not take it as a high school problem where you can use anything you want. Start by using the right cleanser and exfoliant to help you in cleaning out the pores. Yet, if it still do not work for you, immediately meet a dermatologist for proper analysis and prescription.

CLICK HERE: Adult Acne Also on Our Popular Acne Remedies Site: Acne Treatment Reviews A Site Full Of FREE Acne Treatments & Remedies Acne Treatments That Can Work For You.

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วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Prevention - How to Prevent Acne With Extra Virgin Olive Oil

A little while ago, I heard that olive oil was an effective natural acne treatment. It sounded ridiculous. My acne is caused by oily skin, and you expect me to apply yet more oil to my skin? No, thank you. Not a chance. Definitely sounded like a snake oil sales pitch. And yet...

Being an inquisitive busybody, I decided to look into it. I looked on the internet. Read archived posts on forums and discussion boards. Poked around and stuck my nose where it wasn't welcome. In the end, I found mainly positive results. One group reported that they washed their faces with extra virgin olive oil, then washed off the oil with soap. After one week, their acne became worse. Unfortunately, they did not give any more details than this. Personally, their report does not really make sense. If they washed off the olive oil, then at worst, there should be no effect, right?

Most of the successful cases reported three main ways of using olive oil for acne prevention. The first way is to use a cleanser based on this oil. One small group of friends actually conducted their own experiment. They tested 3 different brands of olive oil cleanser: a cheap brand from their local departmental store, a high-end brand from an upscale boutique, and another high-end brand bought from a catalog. They found that the cheap brand caused more acne, but the two different expensive brands helped a great deal. Definitely looks like a case of you get what you pay for.

The second group of successful cases used this regimen:

  1. Wash with EVOO - apply a small amount to the skin, rubbing gently with finger-tips in circular motions. You may notice some hard grainy things. These are actually dislodged blackheads.

  2. Wash with glycerin soap bar - you can buy the orange-colored bars which Nutrogena sells, or use a generic brand
Some of them reported that after just a few days, they no longer wake up with oily faces. After just two weeks, they find fewer acne breakouts, and their skin has a healthy glow.

The third group of successes used EVOO as a kind of facial masque.

  1. Rinse face in plain warm water.

  2. Massage a small amount of extra virgin olive oil into skin until all the oil has soaked in.

  3. Dab face with a clean linen cloth until it matts the oily look.
After half-an-hour, they notice the sebum being slowly pulled out of the pores on their nose and cheeks. After just one hour, they find that their skin glows very nicely, without being oily.

It seems that normal extra virgin olive oil works very nicely. You do not need to buy the more expensive organic version. I am more comfortable with the idea of using this oil as a wash, much the same way as removing make-up. Overall, not a method you use to get rid of pimples but a potentially cheap and effective long-term method of acne prevention.

Click here to find out more about acne care treatment

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วันอังคารที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

4 Simple Methods To Clear Up Acne Scars

Acne scars can be a major inconvenience to anybody as it gives the idea of a bad skin complexion and sometimes causes a blow to one's self confidence. That's why it is important to understand and know the different ways of treating and clearing up scars left by acne. Here you will understand the different methods of getting rid of acne scars. Hopefully in the end your scars will be a thing of the past and you may have more good news for your skin's health.

Aside from expensive scars treatment methods which are found to be effective but not in the financial reach of most of the population, it is important to know that there are also some natural and much cheaper remedies in getting rid of acne scars. These are treatment methods that you can use to treat your acne scars right at the convenience of your home.

A natural acne scar treatment is the best solution method especially for those who possess sensitive skin because natural treatment doesn't create side effects or rashes that may further destroy your sensitive skin.

1. One of the leading methods of clearing acne scars is the use of oatmeal cleanser. It helps eliminate other skin defect like blackheads and also help sin the effective removal of acne scars. The oatmeal method consists of a mixture of rose water and an oatmeal powder; together they will form a paste that you can apply over the areas of your skin affected by the scars.

After applying it allow about fifteen minutes to pass then afterwards rinse with cold water, this process allows the oatmeal to close all existing skin pores and helps clear up a lot of your existing scars. To see the best kind of results you should do this everyday.

2. Another leading treatment option is the use of honey. Considered as one of the best natural remedies, honey plays a great role in defeating bacteria that actually causes acnes. After cleaning your skin, you can then apply honey to the affected part of your skin. Wait ten minutes before rinsing it with clean water.

3. Others include applying lotions and gels that are available at leading pharmacies and are highly recommended by professionals. The most important thing to remember when dealing with acne scars is that you should be patient with one kind of treatment and use it until the remnants of your scars are completely taken care of.

4. Another well known acne scar treatment is the use of the process called laser resurfacing. It's a process that involves a laser being applied to the affected skin and with that it will kill the bacteria that forms the scars. This can take anywhere from a number of minutes until an hour or so and usually takes between 2 to 10 days for the skin to heal completely.

Remember there are now a lot of ways to clear acne scars. Just be patient in looking for a method that can fit your needs.

Author is the webmaster of Acne Treatment and Acne Skin Care. Download Free Acne Ebook here

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วันจันทร์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How to Apply Acne Adult Treatments

Regardless of which of the countless acne care products you choose to use in an effort to treat your acne, you are looking for successful and rapid results. Acne adult treatment products are designed not only for varying levels of acne severity, but also for specific age groups. That means that an acne treatment for a child is very different from an acne adult treatment.

Even if you are dealing with an extremely severe case of acne, you will still surely be able to get your hands on an acne adult treatment that will help you get the skin problem under control.

DDF Pumice Acne Scrub

This acne adult exfoliant treatment has been proven to have good rates of success, but above all else when used by adults to clear up skin problems which can be directly associated with acne. This product needs to be used two times each week and, preferably, it should be applied on a weekend ;u n in conjunction with a daily cleanser. Any amount of money spent on this acne adult treatment is worth it since results are typically ideal when it is used correctly.

Neutrogena Rapid Clear Acne Defense Lotion

This adult acne treatment works to clean out pores. When they are clogged, the Rapid Clear Acne Defense Lotion cleans pores, makes them appear smaller and less noticeable, and prevents breakouts that so commonly occur as a result of clogged pores. This Neutrogena product is extremely effective and should definitely be tried out by any adult who is interested in treating their mild or moderately severe acne.

DermaMed Acne Gel

This acne adult treatment product has been prepared in a non-drying formula. That means that the gel works to refresh the skin and clean out clogged pores without irritating skin. For this reason, DermaMed Acne Gel is a good choice for individuals with especially sensitive skin.

Selecting the right acne adult treatment product can make your skin clear, beautiful, and healthy. The three products mentioned in this article are not the ones available in today's market. Analyzing acne care products before you make a purchase is in your own best interests, since it will help ensure that the medication you buy is right for you.

If you're not into prescription treatments, or you're looking for more natural alternatives first, learn about some simple home remedies for clear skin on the Acne Squad website. Visit http://www.acnesquad.com for more useful tips & advice.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Getting Rid Of Acne: Chemical And Homemade Remedies

Basics of acne treatment

a) Topical agents- Acne can be treated effectively with topical agents, although the response sometimes is very slow.

b) Cosmetics- Abstain from cosmetics causing skin irritation. Use water-based and non-comedogenic cosmetics. Avoid greasy ointments and vegetable oils, parabens, lanolin, glycol, alcohol, petroleum oils and oleic acid in cosmetics.

c) Oils- Oils, like coconut oil, jojoba oil, lavender oil (soothes and heals scars) and tea tree oil (fights infection due to it’s antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties) are good for acne.

c) Diet- Avoid fried, greasy and sweet foods and foods with iodine (fish and iodized salt). Include extra doses of vitamin A in your diet after consulting a dietician.

d) Cleansing and exfoliating- Develop a regular habit of skin cleansing. Remove all your make-up at bedtime. Exfoliate with a gentle scrub 3-4 times per week.

e) Hydration- Drink 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day. Increase intake of water rich fruits and vegetables like cucumber, melon etc. Water flushes out toxins from the body and opens up blocked pores.

f) Humidity- Avoid excessive humid conditions like saunas or cooking in a poorly ventilated kitchen.

g) Picking- Do not pick the pimples and blackheads.

h) Stress- Beat stress. Try the relaxation and deep breathing techniques of yoga.

i) Sun- Avoid unnecessary sun exposure. Use proper protection like a sunscreen.

j) Exercise- Exercise to relieve stress and improve blood circulation to fight acne-causing bacteria more efficiently.

Treatment of different types of acne:

A) Mild acne:

Topical agents like gels and lotions are best for mild acne. For convincing improvement, it might take several weeks of continuous use. Suitable topical agents might be-

a) Benzoyl peroxide (cream, lotion or gel)- Due to excess oil secretion, the pores are clogged and become nests for bacteria which is responsible for inflammation and swelling. This medication eradicates the bacteria and removes dead cells from the skin’s surface.

b) Retinoic acid- This is a very mild topical agent and in some cases might take as long as over a month to show results. At first it aggravates the acne and then slowly treats it by removing the dead cells.

c) Sulfur- This medication helps to heal blemishes.

d) Salicylic acid- This medication cleans up the pores, removes dirt and oil and is specially effective for treatment of blackheads.

e) Azelaic acid- (non-toxic and very mild) Due to it’s antibacterial properties, this medicine attacks the bacteria that causes acne, reduces inflammation with it’s free radicals and restores the skin’s structure. It also removes persistent dark spots left behind by acne.

B) Moderate acne:

In addition to the above-mentioned medicines, this type of acne needs some oral antibiotics which are-

a) Ibuprofen- This medicine is non-steroidal and fights inflammation.

b) Isotretinoin- This drug, derived from vitamin A, is very effective in fighting persistent or relapsing acne and scars made by acne. It markedly reduces sebum production, kills acne-producing bacteria and combats inflammation. If sole use of topical agents fail, then this medication can be used in combination.

c) Spironolactone- This medicine, an anti-androgen, has a direct effect on the sebaceous gland reducing sebum production and comedone formation. It is generally prescribed for females.

d) Tetracycline- This antibiotic kills acne bacteria and is quite effective for cystic acne but not for blackheads.

e) Doxycycline- This antibiotic is used for killing acne bacteria. It is generally more effective than tetracycline.

C) Severe acne:

Individuals with severe acne need help from a dermatologist and also oral medications. It takes quite a long time to determine whether it is moderate or severe acne. Accordingly determining the treatment method is also delayed.

First, oral isotretinoin is tried with the patient. If no positive result is shown within the next few weeks, then high dosage of oral antibiotics or anti-androgens (in case of females) can be used for long term, sometimes a year to treat this kind of acne.

Some other treatment options include:

1. Expression of comedones by diathermy.

2. Brief exposure to sunlight. The anti-inflammatory properties of the ultra violet rays of the sun might help.

3. Extreme cases of acne nodules can be treated by intra-lesional steroid injections.

4. Phototherapy with blue and red light reduces inflammation.

5. Hormone treatment has been known to reduce acne.

6. The freezing treatment (cryotherapy) is useful to check spread of surface skin lesions by using cryogens like carbon dioxide snow or liquid nitrogen. This technique also checks future eruptions.

7. Skin resurfacing techniques like dermabrasion can help in evening of facial scars and lesions.

8. Certain affordable home remedies with lasting effects have proved to be quite effective in treating acne.

a) Sandalwood powder- Add a few drops of water to half a tablespoon of the powder. Apply all over the face. Avoid eye area. Let dry. Rinse. This fights acne and blemishes.

b) Almond meal and lemon rind- Make a facial scrub with 2 tablespoon almond meal, 1 tablespoon ground lemon rind and 3-4 tablespoon milk. Gently scrub your face and get rid of excess oil.

c) Clay mask- Mix 2 tablespoons of green clay with 2 drops of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 2 drops of lavender oil. Make a paste with water. Apply all over the face. Avoid eye area. Let dry. Rinse. Clay mask gives maximum benefit to the oily skin for it’s deep cleansing properties.

d) Cedarwood and sandalwood oil- Mix 2-3 drops of these two oils and gently massage over the face area. The combination of these two oils has a soothing effect, is an excellent skin conditioner for oily skin and treats acne and eczema.

e) Face mask- Take the white part from an egg. With it, mix 2 tablespoon clay/kaolin, 1 tablespoon oats, 1 tablespoon cornflower and enough rose water to make a paste. Add lavender oil and/or juniper berry oil. Mix well. Apply all over the face. Avoid eye area. Let dry. Rinse. Enjoy your soft, oil-free skin.

Dipasree Samanta

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วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne and Vitamin Supplements

For years, scientists, doctors, biologists, dermatologists, and dieticians have searched for and studied all of the various causes of acne. Since the majority of the worlds population suffer from acne at some point in their lives, there is no surprise that such efforts are invested in finding out how to it. While there have been some definitive answers on whether acne is hormonally induced (yes), and what can be done to prevent it (prescription drugs, certain herbal remedies, etc), there are still many unknown factors that cause acne.

However, of all the many acne questions that science is yet to find answers to, the most controversial is whether or not diet has an effect on acne.

Historically, diet was thought to be linked to acne. Doctors and housewives alike believed that a high fat content in ones diet would cause an oilier complexion, and this in turn would create acne breakouts.

However, as time went on, science found no directly link between a diet high in lipids (fat), and acne. Since acne is caused by a bacterial growth in sebum trapped in clogged pores, there is no such thing as “extra oil secretion”. So, for at least the last 15 years, western medicine has claimed there is no connection between diet and acne.

However, a study conducted in 1997 has rekindled the flame in the “diet causes acne” argument, and this time, with a bit more heat.

This study, conducted by Dr. Lit Hung Leung, states that Acne breakouts are because the body cannot create enough of Coenzyme A to break down the fatty acids that create sebum. The reason is, Coenzyme A is probably the single most needed enzyme in the body. This Coenzyme-A is what synthesizes sex hormones, and what breaks down fatty acids.

The only part of Coenzyme-A that the body does not produce itself is vitamin B5. So, if there is a shortage of B5, there is a shortage of Coenzyme-A. And if there is a shortage of Coenzyme-A, the body will use it to synthesize sex hormones, not break down fatty acids.

So, you can see where this is going…more fatty acids, more sebum production, more acne.

Now, the interesting thing is that Dr. Lit Hung Leung substantiated this claim by testing it on 100 people. The group took 10 grams or more per day of pantothenic acid ( B5 ), and used a B5 topical cream of 20% by weight. After 2-3, sebum production was reduced, and many people with acne noticed a reduction. For those with more extreme acne, a higher dosage of B5 was used (approx. 15-20 grams per day), and treatment was prolonged to see an effect, sometimes up to 6 months.

So, while one study does not definitively prove whether B5 can prevent or reduce acne, it may well be worth considering, particularly for those who want a natural or herbal cure for acne, and do not want to use chemicals such as benzoyl peroxide, or other prescription acne treatments.

As with any medical treatment, it is best to consult a doctor before trying a B5 regimine.

Greg Podsakoff is a former acne sufferer, and is the editor of acne treatments website, http://www.acne-treatments-guide.com

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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Help Scar Treatments for Getting Rid of Acne Scars and Any Other Type of Scarring

There are different types of acne scars so it is worthwhile knowing which process to use before starting on one of the acne help scar treatments
that are available. Some people have very deep severe type of scarring and others may have a less noticeable type of scars. So which ever type of regimen you may decide to get rid of your scarring will depend on the form the scars are, and it is important to keep in mind that No treatments will result in the elimination of scars overnight.Camouflage creams or powders may be of some help to disguise and cover scars , but one needs to careful that the ingredients do not cause itching or irritation to the scar.

Ice pick scars are deep fibrious formation of scars due to when the skin loses its dermis in the aftermath of severe acne lesions.They have a tendency to predominate in the cheek area, and can be either soft or hard formating.

Boxcar scars are sharp and angular in appearance and can be deep or slight.
Rolling scars give the skin a scroll wave like though any severity of skin damage can be under the surface of the skin.

Lotion and serums can be very helpful when using acne help scar treatments
and when used correctly can often eliminate certain types of acne scars
Other skin options that are available such as chemical peels, dermabrasion can be costly lengthy processes.

Acne help scar treatments
that contain alcohol are ineffective and should be avoided as they can irritate and dehydrate and cause the skin to suffuse

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Free Product: How To Be "Acne Free In 3 Days"

Affect effect millions of teen and adult each year and it is one of the worst skin diseases because it can do many harm to you. It can ruins your social life and destroy your self-confident.

The good thing is that acne can be cured. One of the best ways to cure it is by living a healthy lifestyle, but that's almost impossible for many family and people today because of the environment they live in.

So what can you do? Well for starter: You could start implementing these 3 tips to get rid of it fast. Remember that you have to do them every day:

1. Drink more water.

It is very true that water is the most important substance you can consume because your body make up more than 75% water. Water also get rid of toxic wastes within your body and that can clear up your acne little by little, but usually it won't if you continue drinking soda and sugary drinks...

2. Avoid Fast Foods and Prepackaged Foods.

Avoid McDonald and all others fast foods can help you improve your health a lot and that include your skin. Those foods can worsen it because of the ingredients in their foods (chemical and manmade).

3. Exercise More.

What exactly does exercise do that get prevent acne? Exercising cause you to sweat and sweating release toxic and by releasing toxic... you prevent it causing bacteria and build up in your system. Exercising is not an easy thing to do everything because many people are busy nowadays with no time but please make time to walk that stair instead of elevator and make similar choices everyday.

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Click here: http://www.TopAcneRemedy.com to download a copy of "Acne Free in 3 Days" if you need to get rid of your acne fast but naturally.

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วันพุธที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How To Get Rid Of Arm Acne

Acne is not only present on your face but also arms. Just like any area of your body, your arms have hair follicles. They are connected to sebaceous glands. Usually, when the dead cells and sebum clog the glands, acne will develop.

If you sweat a lot especially while wearing tight fitting clothes, you are likely to encounter acne on your arms. Tight clothing tend to prevent the sebum and dead skin cells from shedding off from the skin. Consequently, the pores will get clogged and acne will develop.

For acne prevention, it is better to wear loose clothing. Always change your clothes every day. You don't want the dirt and dust to block your pores.

Sometimes, you find it tempting to scratch the acne on your arms. By all means, don't do it. You don't want to have arms full with scars.

If you go to gym for workout, you should shower after workout. This will keep your skin free from sebum and sweat. Shower will also wash away dead skin cells. Make sure that you arm is clean and dry after shower.

You can apply anti-acne creams or lotions that contain benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid on the skin where acne develops. Massage them into the skin, and then leave it on for 30 seconds. Then rinse it off. Bear in mind that benzyl peroxide can bleach your clothes. Therefore, wear loose clothing to avoid discoloration on your clothes.

Your arms don't have many oil glands as your face. Therefore, use mild acne treatments to prevent your skin from the inflammation and drying. Always keep your arms clean by washing them with a mild soap. Make sure that you don't scrub your arms as this will make the acne worse.

Sometimes, your arms develop known as keratosis pilaris. They appears as a bump of keratin protein in the hair openings. You can find them on your upper arms. They are not pimples. You can get rid of them by scrubbing your arms with a loofah.

Acne on arms may affect your self-esteem. With these simple tips, you can prevent and get rid of acne on your arms. If it still persists, then you should see a dermatologist for an appropriate treatment.

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วันอังคารที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

All I Want For Christmas Is To Learn How To Reduce The Redness Of A Pimple

Why is it that the biggest, reddest pimples always appear on your cheeks at the worst possible moment? Nobody wants to look at a crop of unsightly pimples, and so they need to be removed as fast as possible. If you let nature take its course, the redness will usually subside within two to three days. But if you've lined up a big date, you won't want to wait that long. You'll want to reduce the redness right now. So you might be tempted to pinch the pimple in the hope of reducing it. The problem is that pinching pimples just irritates the skin and often aggravates the inflammation and acne even further.

Instead, turn to some of the home remedies that have been found effective in reducing redness. Toothpaste is one remedy that has been used effectively to reduce red pimples for many generations. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to the pimple, and leave it on overnight. When you wash the toothpaste off in the morning, the swelling should have gone down. Using toothpaste also stops the accumulation of oils in the pimple and assists the pimple to heal faster. But don't use a gel type of toothpaste, because they don't work as well.

If you have a gentle exfoliation remedy, then you might also find that's effective. You can use it to remove all traces of dirt, oil and dead cells from your skin, and it helps to tighten up the pores. For oily skin, try using a charcoal mask.

Another popular remedy is to mix fresh cucumber and tomato juice. This remedy tightens up the pores and reduces redness. Apply the juice evenly to your face, and let it stay there for around fifteen minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. If this sounds too tricky, then try cutting a tomato in half and rubbing the cut side gently over the face. Another option is apple cider vinegar, which acts like an astringent.

For a quick and inexpensive method, place an icepack over the pimple for a few minutes. You must be very careful while doing this, because you need to make sure you don't crush the pimple. If you do, you may break the pustule and release the pus. This can cause further outbreaks. But if you're gentle, an icepack can be very effective in reducing redness and swelling.

If you're not so concerned about using natural ingredients, then you might find bactericidal antibiotics and ointments effective in reducing redness. Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid preparations are also useful. However these products should only be used if recommended by your doctor, and you must be careful not to overuse them because of potential side effects.

In the long run, if you suffer for regular acne outbreaks, then it's probably a good idea for you to consult a dermatologist.

For more helpful tips on treating acne to include acne scar removal, acne skin care products and home treatments for acne try visiting Clear-Skin-Solutions.com located at http://www.clear-skin-solutions.com

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