วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Inexpensive, at Home Acne Treatments

There are different ways to heal your acne from home. As long as your acne is only light to moderate, you can use home acne remedies. Everything that you need can be bought from a grocery store.

The hot sun is a natural and positive acne solution. Ultraviolet rays from the sun kill the bacteria harboring on your skin, kills the actual acne and dries up the skin's excess oil.

An unusual acne remedy is a bean tea. To make bean tea, you need to boil a package of green beans in a quart of water for ten minutes or more and add three tablespoons of chamomile (dry) to it. Cover it and steep it until it cools. Once it cools you should strain and bottle the tea. Use it to wash your face about three times weekly.

Aloe Vera juice or gel is an acne remedy that neutralizes issues and starts acne healing. It can be drying, so you will need to use a lotion or moisturizer afterwards even though many think they should not. Another juice to use is lemon juice. It is actually a very effective home acne solution. The acid inside the lemon cleanses pores and promotes healthy skin regeneration. Lemon Juice helps with oil removal, killing bacteria, and normalizing the skin's pH balance.

Cucumber also works. To use cucumber, a good process is to blend a peeled cucumber and apply its juice to your skin. Subsequently, clean your skin thoroughly and apply egg whites on your face or any other acne area with a cotton ball or cotton swab. Leave it on for a while; it is good for your skin because it is like an astringent.

Natural oatmeal is also helpful for home solutions to treat acne. It is in fact wonderful for all skin irritations. Simply apply lukewarm or slightly cool cooked oatmeal to your face for 12 minutes and then wash it off completely. Natural oatmeal is an acne solution and also an astringent because it removes oil and impurities off of the skin, keeping skin clean and acne-free.

Wash your face then and make an acne solution at home with just sugar, a tiny bit of water and several drops of olive oil. Pat the scrub on the blemished areas. Oddly, sugar has an antibacterial result that clears your skin of acne and blemishes.

A home acne solution is a great idea. It is cheap, easy and effective. Try one today!

Guy Ray is the owner of stop acne tips, the website with stop acne tips, resources and information.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatments As Seen on TV - Do They Really Work?

There are many questions that go through the mind of those who are struggling to overcome acne. They search in a variety of places including their local drugstores, the internet, and also turn to friends and family who have had experience with acne. Unfortunately, there is no one cure that works for everyone. Everyone's skin is different and therefore requires different methods of treatments, but there are treatments out there that work for many people with the same type of problems and acne. You should be cautious purchasing and using any acne treatment product unless there is sufficient evidence that this product has a good reputation and can be trusted. The last thing you want to do is take chances with your skin. There are a lot of acne treatments as seen on TV which may or may not work.

You have probably seen a lot of different commercials on television for acne treatment. It's a multi-billion dollar industry and advertises on every medium possible. One of the more popular acne infomercials is for the acne treatment product Pro Active. This commercial advertises clear skin quick, just like singer Jessica Simpson. Although it appears there are number of testimonials, particularly from celebrities, you should be cautious about purchasing any product that has so obviously dipped into the wallets of celebrities to endorse their products. The real place to find out about these products is online from the people who aren't being paid to say good things about it. This isn't to say these products don't work, but many companies produce products which are essentially placebos in order to make a profit.

So before you decide on any one product, especially one advertised on TV, do your homework. You don't want to be stuck with an expensive acne treatment product that doesn't work. Unfortunately many of these products advertised on TV are pricey so you should spend your time and money wisely.

Despite the great things people say about these products, I have found that acne treatments as seen on tv simply did not work for me, along with most other acne treatments.

But after years of struggling to get rid of my acne, I finally found something that was able to almost completely cure my acne in less than a week.

=> Click here to read my acne story <=

Seriously, stop wasting time and money on treatments that just don't work. It's not worth it!


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Causing Foods- Foods That Cause Acne

Having acne is embarrassing. Not knowing which foods that cause them can be frustrating. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some acne causing foods. That way, you'll know exactly which foods are causing you to breakout and how you can stop it from happening.

Foods that are loaded with saturated fats cause you to have acne. These foods include burgers from fast food restaurants, pizzas, meats that are loaded with fats, french fries, and other junk foods. If you consume a lot of these foods, your breakout will be severe.

Vegetable oils are also other acne causing foods. These foods consist of some pasta sauces, chips, and other foods that are cooked in vegetable oils. The oils cause you to breakout by restricting anti-inflammatory hormone and converting it into pro-inflammatory hormone.

Another acne causing food is sugar. These foods consist of sugary sodas, cakes, cookies, chocolates, and other foods that are high in sugar content. Sugary foods cause acne by spiking your insulin levels, which has a negative effect on your hormones.

In order to reduce your acne and clear your skin, you need to eat healthy foods. Make sure you eat fruits, veggies, nuts, lean meats (such as tuna, chicken breast, and turkey), and whole wheat foods. Eating healthy will not only help reduce your acne, but also help you have a lean, fit body.

These are some acne causing foods. Avoid these foods and eat healthy to get rid of them. You don't have to be embarrassed from having them anymore. You don't have to worry about having another breakout anymore.

If you want to get rid of your acne fast, there are home remedies that will help you get rid of them within 3 days.

Don't let your acne embarrass and frustrate you anymore. To learn how to get rid of your acne naturally within 3 days, go to http://www.get-rid-of-acne--fast.blogspot.com

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วันพุธที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - What Kind Of Soap Should You Use?

Acne treatment is a tough job for one who has it. They want acne to disappear overnight. But that does not happen. Soap has a role in treatment of acne. Some patients use soaps that peel off the skin and make it very dry assuming that acne will be treated faster. Does that really help or irritate the skin further? Some patients want to feel the skin soft and use soap with moisturizer. Some want the soap to have good perfume and want to feel good after washing. What kind of soap works well for acne patients? Let us find out.

Let us begin with the simple question- why do we use soap? We use soap to remove all the dirt, grime and impurity from the skin. Every other factor such as perfume etc. is secondary. Does your soap emulsify all the dirt and other impurities on your skin? Do you feel that your skin looks very clean after washing? If yes, that soap is right for you if you have acne. What about soap that removes more oils from the skin and makes it dry to very dry? This kind of soap is used because many people believe that oil or sebum alone is the main cause of acne. Please note here that sebum is one of the causes of acne, but by itself it cannot cause acne. If the gland opening is clear the excess oil/sebum will flow away and no acne will form. Therefore stop irritating your acne with harsh soaps. A moisturizer has no role to play in acne treatment. It keeps the moisture in and keeps skin hydrated.

Try to use a neutral soap with pH of 7. Acidic soap will cause unnecessary irritation. First look at the main function of soap, which is cleansing property. Think of perfume etc. later. Wash your face gently twice a day and dry the skin. Apply your topical medicine after that. It will reach the depth of skin faster.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Acnedoctor.us is a popular acne guide where you can find a lot of information, articles and tips about acne, its causes and treatment. Social network users, click for Christmas myspace comments. For Christmas Layouts- click Christmas Myspace Layouts to add to your profile.

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วันอังคารที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Microdermabrasion - Acne Miracle Cure?

Microdermabrasion acne treatment is a technique of smoothing the skin and unclogging skin pores. The treatment is relatively new, but its results are more than promising.

There is even more good news for acne sufferers! Microdermabrasion is much less invasive than classical acne surgery and it offers similar results.

How does it work?

It uses a mechanical device. The Microdermabrasion acne machine is used first to clean the skin and peel out the dead cells' layer. In doing that it clears out the blocked pores. The machine works on the same principle as a vacuum cleaner. The Microdermabrasion treatment is similar to rather gently vacuuming your skin as opposed to the cutting action of invasive surgery. The second phase of the process is spraying the skin with an aluminum oxide. This spray eliminates the outer layer of dead skin cells.

The Microdermabrasion treatment works in two ways:

1. It heals already existing acne by cleaning the pores;

2. Then by eliminating the dead skin cells' layer, it prevents pimples from appearing. Pimples are most often caused by dead skin cells that clog the skin's pores. When you eliminate the dead skin cells the chance of having pimples is greatly decreased.

Wait, there's even more. Microdermabrasion does not only cure acne. A very pleasing side effect of repeating this treatment is increased smoothness of skin by removing minor skin irregularities.

How many treatments are necessary?

Usually even one Microdermabrasion treatment can give results lasting several months. However, because Microdermabrasion concentrates mostly on the effects, not the cause of acne, it is not capable of a final cure of the disease.

You can expect that you will need to repeat the treatment after six to seven months. Used with other treatments, even one "skin vacuuming" can have almost permanent results.

Are there any precautions?

As Microdermabrasion is not a surgery and there's no anesthesia required, there are few side effects. The one warning is that the patient should not be using Ro-accutane.

Unfortunately this very effective treatment is usually not covered by health insurance. The cost of Microdermabrasion becomes an important factor when deciding on treatment.

Mark Walters reviews acne treatments and remedies online at http://www.AcneRescue.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - Understanding Acne and Its Prevention

Everyone, at one time or another, has experienced having a pimple. A pimple is fairly common. You cannot avoid it. Even movie stars experience a blemish or two every now and then. There are creams for pimples that you can apply and it will instantly clear a pimple but first let us know some details about Acne.

What is Acne?

There are people who do not only suffer a couple of pimples but have hordes of them all over the face, from whiteheads and blackheads. When this happens, the blemishes do not easily clear up. This is what you call serious acne and this requires proper treatment. Acne does not just occur in one area of the body. It does not just show up on your face. You could have acne on your shoulders, neck and back. The causes of acne can vary from one person to another. Teenagers are more prone to developing acne. However, there are people who still suffer from acne way beyond their adolescent years. The condition does not discriminate against race, age or sex. It affects everyone equally. Curiously though, acne tends to affect women more than men.

The proper medical name for acne is acne vulgaris. This is a skin condition that is characterized by the appearances of skin lesions consisting of whiteheads, blackheads and often, cysts. The causes of acne vulgaris vary; however, the proximate cause is the clogging of pores.

Acne vulgaris is common among people who are experiencing hormonal changes. This is why teenagers or adolescents suffer more from acne. Pregnant women also suffer from acne. Many women also experience acne breakouts before their menstrual periods. These are the periods when the body produces excess oil or sebum. Sebum is naturally produced by the skin in order to keep the skin lubricated. However, there are times when the skin produces excess oil which then causes clogging. This prevents the dead skin cells and dirt from being shed off which causes acne to form.

Daily Skin Care to Prevent Acne

There are people who will likely find it difficult to get rid of acne. In truth, it is actually far easier to prevent acne than to cure it. If you have suffered from acne and you have a teenage son or daughter who is just about to go through his or her adolescence years, it is a good idea to prevent acne early than actually try to battle with the skin condition once it occurs. Remember that acne can cause tremendous psychological effect on the person suffering from it. It could rob a person of his self-esteem. It could cause depression and a lot of stress. People who are suffering from it may also find it difficult to socialize with other people.

To prevent acne, you should instill a habit of proper skin care. Having a daily skin care routine will help anyone avoid acne. Skin care routine must include daily skin cleansing.

Cleansing starts with properly picking out the right bar of soap. A harsh soap can cause skin dryness and this skin condition is more likely prone to skin breakouts. Nowadays, you'd find numerous cleansers being sold in the market. Make sure that you choose the cleanser that suits your skin type.

The author is an online medical researcher and webmaster of Top Acne Products and Best Acne Treatments

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scars Treatment

In the present world, external appearance is what matters the most and it has been noticed that nowadays a person is judged simply on the basis of his physical features. Therefore under such conditions every individual has grown conscious about their looks and invest heavily in order to beautify oneself. The skin is one among the most exposed parts of the body and a beautiful and clear skin is always attractive.

Acnes or pimples are the ugly blemishes that cause swellings on the skin and are the result of excess sebaceous gland secretion which cause these inflammations. Moreover, acne formations may also result from stress related factors and hormonal imbalances. Acnes often leave behind ugly scars which remain on the skin like a mark and give a dull appearance to the skin. While at present there are several scores of acne scar removal treatment available, it is necessary to point out in this case that not all treatments are suitable for everyone. This is because different individuals possess different kinds of skin type and their acne conditions may also differ considerably. Therefore it is extremely important for the medical practitioner to ensure that the acne treatment is suitable for the individual to whom it is assigned. There are various forms of treatment procedures available for the removal of acne scars. These include subcision, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, punch techniques, augmentation and dermabrasion.

Subcision is one of the procedures of acne scar removal treatment which is applied extensively in order to ensure the eradication of acne and it is suitable to almost everyone and it aids in separating the scar form the deeper tissues. In case of light acne scars, the most effective mode of treatment is through chemical peels. The process of chemical peeling takes about 15 minutes and makes use of various acid and acne alternative treatment modes for removing scars. Laser resurfacing is one of the latest innovations to have entered the field of acne scar treatment and it is to be noted here that this mode though effective needs to be repeated form time to time. Since it removes the old skin layer, people with darker skin tones have the risk of having irregular skin tones due to this process. Punch techniques are ideal in dealing with scars like those resulting due to chicken pox. The process of augmentation is perfect in treating acne scars in people who have deeper scars and usually follows the process of subcision. Dermabrasion is also ideal for removal of acne scars.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Topical Retinoid Therapy

Until the retinoids became available, there wasn't anything that really affected comedonal acne. Theoretically, if you prevent the formation of the precursor, you prevent all the subsequent lesions from forming. That probably can occur if you can get enough of the right retinoid, either systemically or topically.

Retinoic acid binds to all three kinds of retinoid receptors: alpha, beta, and gamma. It is thought that the gamma receptor is the most important in the pathogenesis of acne, and retinoic acid has a very high affinity for gamma receptors. First of all, there is sebum. Sebum itself might be comedogenic, but whether it is or not, it certainly provides the nutrient material for P acnes. The proliferation of this microorganism is the next pathogenic factor.

In addition to reversing abnormal keratinization, there is evidence that the topical retinoids may have some anti-inflammatory properties. Both adapalene (Differin®) and tretinoin have been shown to do this in different experiments. Because Retin-A has been on the market for more than 25 years, patients will frequently come in and say, "I've already used tretinoin; it didn't work." For many physicians, their first inclination is to try something else. My favorite therapy is a topical retinoid used in conjunction with a combination of benzoyl peroxide and erythromycin.

Or I might use one of the newer benzoyl peroxides, such as benzoyl peroxide mixed with zinc and glycolic acid. With moderate to moderate/severe inflammatory acne, I would probably think about systemic antibiotics. If the patient is a woman, one might consider using birth control pills as acne therapy. Everyone should use sunscreens all the time.

I recommend a minimum sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or greater. Patients should apply their topical acne therapy first thing in the morning, and then put on the sunscreen before they go outside. I recommend moisturizers for patients who are experiencing irritation from topical therapy.

I tend to encourage them to use the lighter moisturizers, rather than heavier ones, and to use only those that have been tested and are labeled as noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic. Unemployment is much greater in patients with acne than in people who don't have acne. That increases with the severity of disease.

I recommend moisturizers for patients who are experiencing irritation from topical therapy. I tend to encourage them to use the lighter moisturizers, rather than heavier ones, and to use only those that have been tested and are labeled as noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic.

Significant inflammation is the primary one. With moderate to moderate/severe inflammatory acne, I would probably think about systemic antibiotics. If the patient is a woman, you might consider using birth control pills as acne therapy.

read more: acne-stop.com

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วันศุกร์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Related Good and Bad Diets

One of the oldest popular believes about acne is its link with diet. The role of diet in acne was a proven fact in old ages. However with modern advancements in scientific researches the accountability of diet has become controversial. There are certain dermatologists how totally liberate diet from this blame while most believe that diet does have a role at least in acne flare ups, if not in formation of new lesions. There are two aspects of diet in this regard;

  • 1. Some bad foods that cause or exacerbate acne

  • 2. Some good foods that prevent or help to clear acne.

Acne Related Bad Foods:

As long as acne flare ups are concerned, the notorious of all foods are chocolates, soft drinks, potato chips, spicy foods, shell fish and so forth. As acne is predominantly a disease of teenagers, (although women in 20s or 30s may also be affected) the age when such foods are the favorites. While parents usually hate to see kids filling their stomachs with such junk foods mainly because these diets are glaringly deficient in several vital minerals and vitamins. Consequently it is the desire of parents for a dermatologist to declare such sugary and oily foods to be the main culprit. Beside junk foods there are some acne sufferers who found that spicy foods or beef are the ones that worsen their pimples. In contrast to above you may come across few researchers that claim milk to be the main cause in some people. Eggs are another infamous food for acne. Similarly there are many other believes regarding the link of food and acne. Above all there are different effects of same food on different people.

Quite opposite to the strong traditional belief that wrong diets cause or worsen acne, Scientists have not found any connection between specific foods and acne. The Journal of the American Medical Association recognized, "Diet plays no role in acne treatment in most patients...even large amounts of certain foods have not clinically exacerbated acne." There has been found no direct influence of food to the cause of acne. Still we will recommend unhealthy junk and spicy foods to be avoided at least during the course of treatment because they will drop off the intake of healthy foods that promote rapid healing.

Acne Related Good Foods:

Even though certain foods do not cause acne or aggravate existing acne lesions, a good healthy diet does have a role in clearing skin. A healthy food promotes an overall good health, and as skin is the reflection of one's well being, a good health will reflect a fresh glowing complexion with clear skin. There are certain Vitamins and minerals that are very essential for a healthy skin. The most important of all are;

  • Vitamin A; major sources are liver, fish oil, carrots, apricot, parsley, spinach, tomatoes, milk, cheese and whole eggs.

  • Vitamin E; major sources are nuts like almonds and peanuts, whole grain, vegetable oils, avocado, green leafy vegetables especially kale.

  • Zinc; Major sources are Lean meat, skinless chicken, Shellfish, Nuts, Seeds, whole grain Cereals, Yogurt, skim milk, eggs, whole grains, mushroom.

  • Vitamin B and Chromium have also been found useful in clearing skin and getting a glowing complexion.

The important factor for getting a clear acne free face is to avoid bad foods as much as possible, to add good foods to your diet and drink plenty of water. Though the part of water for clearing acne was well known in the near past, yet new researches have made this controversial too. Still its role in maintaining body's well being is incredible and as already mentioned a good health means good skin.

For information about Acne skin care and related Acne Home Remedies visit http://www.SkinCare09.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne and Dry Skin - A Tough Combination

One of the toughest skin combinations to keep clear and healthy looking is acne combined with dry skin. This skin type, otherwise known as combination skin, presents its own challenges because each type of skin requires two completely different environments and skin care routines. Even though it is challenging, there are some things that you can do to keep your combination skin looking healthy and vibrant all year long.

One of the first things that you should remember about combination skin is that products that are intended to counteract each issue separately will not work on your skin. This is because products that are formulated for dry skin have oils and moisturizers that can add to your acne issue. Products intended to dry up acne, on the other hand, may cause dry skin. So what should you do?

Always use products that are formulated for combination skin. These products help even out skin conditions by moisturizing dry skin and absorbing oils on oily, acne prone skin. Keep in mind that moisture and oil are two separate things. You can absorb oil and replace moisture at the same time without exacerbating and existing acne condition. Here’s how:

Skin Care for Acne and Dry Skin

One of the most important things that you should remember when dealing with acne and dry skin is that a skin care regimen is vital. There is no way that you can skimp and ignore the needs of your skin. If you do, you will be left with a mess. At its most basic, your skin care routine should include the following:

* Cleanser – Use a balancing cleanser that will gently cleanse your skin without drying it out. Skin that is acne prone has to be cleansed more often than other types of skin. Keep this in mind when choosing your cleanser. Choose something that can be used multiple times daily.

* Toner – Toners and astringents are an important part of any acne skin care routine. Take care, though. Many toners that are made for acne prone skin are very drying. You need to make sure than anything that you use is made for acne prone skin as well as patches of dry skin.

* Lotion – Always use a daily lotion that evens out your skin. A good daily lotion will moisturize dry skin while absorbing skin oils that cause acne.

* Intense treatments – For especially difficult areas, you can spot treat your skin. Use acne treatments only on areas that are continuously affected by acne. You can also moisturize especially dry areas with a nightly intense moisturizer applied only to your dry skin.

Dry Skin and Acne: Things to Avoid

Just as there are things that you should do to treat your combination skin, there are some things that you should avoid. Keep in mind that everyone’s skin is different and yours may be able to tolerate the following to certain degrees.

* Sun – The sun is the number one factor that dries and ages your skin. On the other hand, Ultra Violet rays can work wonders at clearing up acne. To get the acne fighting benefits of Ultra Violet rays without the damage associated with sun bathing, visit a tanning bed twice weekly for about 7 minutes per session. This amount of light will not tan or damage your skin but will help dry up your acne.

* Cleansing pads – many cleansing pads formulated for acne riddled skin are extremely harsh and not intended for use on dry skin. People with oily skin can use these pads several times a day, but dry skin sufferers should not use them at all.

* Oils and moisturizers – Just as many treatments for acne can dry your skin, many treatments for dry skin can cause acne. Avoid products with heavy oils and emollients. Perfumes and certain moisturizers may also cause breakouts.

Treating dry skin and acne combination skin does not have to be confusing and impossible. It can be as easy as reading product labels and making sure that you are purchasing products that are formulated for your unique skin. There are several good products on the market that are perfect for combination skin; you just have to find the ones that are perfect for you.

Remember; combination skin can be tricky to deal with, but it can also be beautiful, healthy, vibrant, and acne free. Do your homework, and you will find the right skin care routine for your dry skin and acne.

http://www.dryskinsite.com brings you all the latest information you need to combat your dry skin problems. There's nothing to buy, just really helpful information. Be sure to check out pages like Acne and Dry Skin © 2007 copyright by DSquare Marketing and Della Franklin.

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วันพุธที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Scalp Acne - A Painful Condition

Scalp acne is common in both men and women and it affects the people of all ages.It is also caused by certain micro-organisms like mites, bacteria and yeasts. This type of acne is treated in the same manner as the acne on face. It is the type that shows up on the scalp and near the hairline. It is identified by little pustules inside the scalp that are extremely itchy and usually very annoying on the front side of the hairline. It's not as common as some of the other types of acne such as facial acne but it is still very distressing for the sufferer. It is a skin inflammatory disorder of the scalp's hair follicles and is acquired due to the inflammation in the sebaceous glands and follicles of the hair because of the production of oil.

Acne control can be achieved by acne sufferers despite their age. Acne is a dreaded skin condition that plagues both teens and adults alike. It doesn't just hurt on the outside; it hurts on the inside too. It can appear on other parts of the body as well, but unless you're someone with acne in one of these 'other' areas, you may not have realized this. Acne on the scalp can be very common however it is generally a different type of condition than what occurs on the face and back.

Some people have many pustules on the hairline and some have few depending on the skin type. Some topical antibiotics used include clindamycin and erythromycin which can sometimes lead to dryness of the skin.

Severe forms of scalp acne must be treated only under dermatologist surveillance. People with nodules or cysts should also be treated by a dermatologist. Severe cases that continue to reoccur may need to be treated by performing laser removal on the infected follicle or follicles. Severe Forms of this form of acne are rare, but they are a great hardship to the people who experience them, and can be disfiguring--and, like all forms of acne, can have psychological effects on the sufferer.

Severe forms of this acne are usually black in color and appear over the entire scalp region covered with hair.

Treatment for mild scalp pimples can be as easy as buying an over the counter medication such as salicylic acid which will be applied with a cotton ball or wool. The mild form of this type of acne can be treated the way most other acne is treated.

Treatment of scalp acne is important so they don't leave pock type scars.
Hair care products designed especially to treat seborrhea have also been used successfully.

Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most ideal medications for acne and has been one of the acne treaments of choice for quite some time. This medication comes both as a solution and as a cream. Benzoyl propels peroxide into the skin, releasing oxygen to kill anaerobic acne p bacteria.

Scalp acne isn't as talked about as 'regular' facial and back acne. However, it is very distressing and usually develops as small white-yellowish pustules due to huge stress. This form of acne is known as acne necrotica miliaris, and seems to flourish during times of high stress or when the scalp is oilier than normal.This condition is acne that develops on the skin under your hair, also known as your scalp. It is scientifically known as scalp folliculitis, which is an inflammatory disorder of the hair follicles in the scalp. This condition isn't as well known as "regular" acne, unless you have suffered with it.

Sonny Castro is an online marketer and entrepreneur who specializes in online niche products. His new product, the insanely popular Acne Free In Three Days is now available. For more information, please go to: http://www.acnefreeinthree.com

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วันอังคารที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What Foods Cause Acne Breakouts?

The old adage, “you are what you eat” cannot be truer than when it comes to common causes of acne. Often individuals who do not consume a healthy diet or whose diet lacks the proper amount of critical vitamins and minerals suffer from acne problems.

Remember, you body must be healthy before your skin can be healthy, so strive to eat a well balanced diet, and dedicate yourself to an active lifestyle in order to enjoy unblemished, smooth, and glowing skin.

If you are experiencing skin problems, instead of treating your body’s largest organ with harsh chemicals or taking medications that may interfere with your other prescriptions, look first at the nutrition value of your current diet. Work to improve your skin and protect yourself from acne by following these guidelines.

------>Banish Fats, Oils, and Sugars

Often times, consuming a diet high in fats, oils, and sugars can wreck havoc on an individual’s skin. Just as these unsavory additions to your diet can cause other issues seen in your body, what you eat directly affects the quality of your skin.

Most people have experienced a break out after binging on junk food or fast food, most of which is high in fat, sugar, carbohydrates, and oils. In order to stop break outs associated with eating this unhealthy food, begin to replace these items in your diet with foods that are natural and healthy.

------>Avoid Popular Misconceptions

Many individuals are under the misconception that eating certain foods can cause or worsen their acne condition. The most popular food to blame for bad skin is undoubtedly chocolate. Chocolate lovers will take great pleasure in noting that no one

specific type of food—including chocolate—has been proven to cause or worsen acne in individuals. However, you should enjoy your chocolate sparingly, as your entire diet can definitely affect the quality of your skin’s appearance, even though one

particular item may not be the trigger.

------>Try Organic Foods

When looking to change your diet for the better, take care in including fresh, wholesome foods into your new lifestyle. Many individuals have found great success in incorporating organic foods into their diet, since these items lack any added chemicals, preservatives, or potential toxins that can affect both your body and your skin.

Furthermore, structure your diet around fresh fruits and vegetables, most of which contain necessary vitamins that will positively affect your entire body. Also, you may want to avoid eating meat products high in fat, since fats can be quickly

be stored in your system, lasting long after that greasy burger has been digested.

------>Consider Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Many individuals do not receive the properly daily recommended dose of vitamins or minerals in their diet. For this reason, you should look into including supplements in your daily health regimen. Remember, before consuming any medications or supplements of any kind, be sure to consult your primary health care provider to ensure the dosage is proper and the medication will not negatively interact with your current prescriptions.

Too, you may want to find a solid multi-vitamin that is specified for your gender, age, or activity level. Be sure to look for supplements that include Vitamin E, a necessary vitamin when it comes to the health of your skin.

------>Hydrate Your Body

Unless you are drinking at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water each day, you are not hydrating your body to a healthy extend. Most individuals are not properly hydrated and their skin pays the price. If you find your skin is dull, ashy, flaky, itchy, or excessively dry, you are not drinking enough water to benefit your body.

Hydrated skin is fresh and glowing, so you should drink up to experience these great effects! Also, drinking the proper amount of water on a daily basis will also benefit your overall sense of health. Avoid drinking sodas or sugary sports drinks, since the added sodium and sugar can be detrimental to your healthy lifestyle.

By following the above guidelines for clear skin, you can actively work to maintain healthy looking skin that is free of acne. If you find yourself suffering from acne or other skin conditions, focus inward instead for a treatment of this problem instead of slathering your skin with potentially harmful creams or lotions that may cause more harm that good. By eating a

proper diet, you will ensure your skin is as healthy as you are.

Scott J. Patterson is the owner of Acne Care Information, a newsletter filled with fr*e acne advice and resources. To learn how you can conquer your acne and improve your self-esteem, check-out the following link:


Scott Patterson is the owner of Acne Care Information, a newsletter filled with fr*e acne advice and resources. To conquer your acne and improve your self-esteem, see the following link:


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วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Remove Acne Scar

Dealing with acne is one of the more difficult things that we have to go through in our teenage years. Even though some of us may have a relatively clear complexion, we may end up having an outbreak from time to time that can do more damage than just hurting our social life. If the outbreak is severe enough and if we pick the acne it can actually leave us with a scar that unless treated properly will last throughout our entire life.

Although it is possible to remove acne scar tissue from our face, that doesn't mean that it's an easy thing to do. First of all, the type of treatment that you are going to get depends on the type of acne scar that you have. For example, one of the most common types of acne scars is known as ice pick scarring. These tend to be very deep and it is difficult to be able to treat this, although it is not impossible. Other type of scarring such as wavy scars are damage to the upper layer of skin and can be treated successfully by several different means.

When trying to remove acne scar tissue, understanding what type of scar it is, is your first means of defense. The next thing you're going to need to decide on is what kind of treatment to receive. Many individuals look into the possibility of having laser treatments or perhaps some sort of dermabrasion but, unfortunately, these can be very expensive. In fact, some of these treatments need to be done multiple times which increases the costs.

You can also try something like collagen shots or perhaps a fat injection but these treatments, although they work well, only last about six months before you need to go back for another treatment. One of the most popular and least expensive ways to remove acne scar tissue is through the use of an acne scare remover cream. What these creams typically do is to help the moisturize the dermal layer of the skin and to promote the production of collagen in order to help smooth over any scars that are visible.

Many individuals have had great success with these creams and if you are persistent, you can remove the scars permanently.

Visit Acne Scars Treatment If you want to quickly and safely remove acne scars, but don't know where or how to start. If you want to find how to Remove Acne Scar with the best treatments available online, treatments that simply require you to apply a cream to the affected area.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment - How To Treat Cystic Acne?

A cyst is a severe form of acne that is filled with bacteria, white blood cells and dead skin. Cysts can be very painful and extend inside the skin damaging the skin tissue. In nodulocystic acne, cysts and nodules form together. Some experts say that cysts are severely infected nodules and should be called as such. Treatment of cysts is a challenging task. Because cysts invariably form scars, they need to be treated as soon as possible and before they damage more skin cells.

Acne Treatment - stages of acne

Acne begins with plugged skin pores and develops in stages. In the first stage, acne usually begins in the form of whiteheads and blackheads (caused by plugged pores of the skin). Blackheads are called open comedones. Whiteheads are called closed comedones. The blackheads and whiteheads are the first stage of acne. The second stage is pimples or zits. They are medically known as papules and pustules. Pimples form when the acne gets inflamed. Some people suffer from third stage of serious acne, called as nodules and cysts. These are very large and deep lumps of acne. Skin develops scars if acne progresses to second and third stages.

Acne Treatment Regimen For Cysts-

In severe form of acne, you develop nodules and cysts that are all inflamed. Treating this acne takes more time and patience. Your doctor will treat you with combination therapy to control and cure the acne while trying to take care that minimum scars form. The treatment regimen for severe acne may include physical as well as oral and topical treatments. The options may include- isotretinoin, oral antibiotics, oral contraceptives for female patients, injecting corticosteroid in the lesions and surgical procedure.

Acne Treatment - Isotretinoin:

Isotretinoin is one of the most potent treatments for severe form of acne which has not responded well to other therapies. Isotretinoin is a retinoid which is a form of vitamin A. Isotretinoin helps treat all the four reasons of acne formation-

a. Excess oil,

b. Clogged pores,

c. Inflammation, and

d. The bacteria p.acnes.

The normal course of isotretinoin is one or two pills a day for up to twenty weeks. Your dermatologist will decide the dose. Don't take Isotretinoin without medical supervision.

Side Effects Of Isotretinoin:

For women, it is very important to be in constant contact with their doctor because isotretinoin can cause damage to development of fetus. It cannot be given during pregnancy and before the treatment begins, all possibilities of pregnancy have to be eliminated. Talk to your doctor in detail about this and follow his/her instructions very strictly. The other side effects of isotretinoin may include joint pains, headaches, nausea, depression and others. You must not miss your appointment with your doctor while taking isotretinoin.

Acne Treatment -Oral Antibiotics-

Broad-spectrum antibiotics can reduce the bacteria P.acnes substantially. With reduction in the population of this bacterium, inflammation reduces. The antibiotic may include drugs such as - tetracycline, erythromycin, doxycycline, etc.

Acne Treatment -oral contraceptives for women-

Overactive sebaceous glands produce more sebum and are one of the main causes of acne. Some oral contraceptives can reduce the production of excessive sebum. These drugs should be taken only under medical supervision. Sometimes, you may have to consult the gynecologist, for which your doctor will advise you.

Acne Treatment -injecting corticosteroid

In this treatment, a mild steroid is injected in the cyst. The steroid reduces the acne substantially within a few days. This treatment also prevents scarring as it reduces the possibility of bursting of a cyst and dries it totally. Your doctor may find it necessary to cut open the acne and drain it. This procedure needs skill and patients should not try this themselves.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

For more information about acne treatment please visit - acnedoctor.us

You will get information about How Acne Forms? Types Of Acne, Acne Treatments, Skin Care For Acne, Acne Facts, Acne Scars and many acne articles. This site is full of information about how to remain free of acne. For keeping yourself acne free, find out more about the acne that causes damage to our skin.

To treat acne scars please visit acnedoctor.us

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วันเสาร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scarring Removal - Treating Acne Scarring Naturally

Acne scarring usually appears in three different forms. There are a number of acne scarring natural treatments available for treating acne scarring, but how effective are they really? This article will discuss acne scarring removal and natural treatments that really work.

The initial type of acne scarring is commonly called ice pick pore scarring which are large, deep scars that have open pores that look as though they've actually been created with an ice pick. This usually occurs as a result of an infection moving to the shell of the skin.

The next type of acne scarring is pit scars and these scars are more sunken in than the others. These are usually caused by cysts or pimples that have formed the scar tissue.

The next classification is raised scars which usually occurs as a result of large cysts forming clumps. These clumps form raised tissue on the skin surface.

The good news is, however, that acne scarring of any kind can usually be prevented. One of the most effective tips I can give you to prevent scarring is to never squeeze, pick or pinch your pimples.

There are also some chemical treatments that include glycolic peels and special acne creams as well dermabrasion, laser skin peels and also collagen injections.

However, there are also natural treatments that are equally effective and less expensive which also help to reduce scarring such as Vitamins A, E and the mineral zinc.

So if you are having problems with acne scars, don't let acne scarring control your life. Apply those mentioned ways or consult your doctor first before opting for a particular method.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment Products

Acne treatment products are those creams, gels, pills and other preparations used for the treatment of acne and all acne variants. Acne treatment products are employed in the cure of spots, pimples, zits and other variants like blackheads, whiteheads and rosacea. These acne treatment products could be home-based preparations [natural acne treatments], plants, roots and herbs [herbal acne treatment] or pharmaceutically prepared acne treatment products.

Most of the common acne treatment products in the market today are either herbal based or made from synthetic materials and hydrocarbons. These acne treatment products can either be single therapy acne treatment products or combination therapy acne treatment products. Single therapy acne treatment products are those acne treatment products that offer just one type of cure like pills or creams or injections. An example of a single therapy acne treatment product is Acnope acne and anti-wrinkle cream which is just a cream.

On the other hand, combination therapy acne treatment products are those acne treatment products that offer multi-pronged approach to acne cure. The composition of such combination acne treatment products include pills, injections, creams, facial masks, gels, etc. as one treatment. Several examples of combination therapy acne treatment products abound.

Combination therapy acne treatment products are good. Single therapy acne treatment products are equally good. Choose what works for you. The bottom line is that whichever acne treatment product you choose cures your acne without causing you unpleasant side effects and leaving acne scars behind.

Another point to consider when deciding on acne treatment products could be whether the product is herbal-based or made from artificial materials and hydrocarbons. While no type is bad, most [if not all] herbal-based acne treatment products do not give you unpleasant side effects because they are organic in nature. However, you must read the labels to know the herbal combinations of these acne treatment products to avoid ingesting or topically applying herbs you are allergic to. Artificial-based acne treatment products also do the job. However, where clinical trials were not fully carried out prior to release of the product or where such trials were inconclusive, you may be faced with unpleasant side effects that may be worse than acne. In other cases, such acne treatment products may be labeled supplements to avoid scrutiny by the Food and Drug Administration.

In all cases, pregnant women must consult with their doctor before using any drugs and supplements including acne treatment products unless such drugs and supplements are clearly labeled suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers. You will not lose anything but anxiety if you still take such correctly labeled products to your doctor.

Which acne treatment products are the best? The acne treatment products that remove your acne and prevent acne from recurring should be the best one for you. How do you identify such best acne treatment products? Read reviews and anecdotal evidence to decide the best acne treatment product for a successful acne treatment. One of such acne treatment products we have found to be effective and successful in treating acne is ClearPores skin cleansing system. It is beyond our duty to say more but we invite you to discover for yourself why we have recommended ClearPores skin cleansing system as the acne treatment products of choice.

Successful acne treatment is possible with good acne treatment products. Adult acne as well as teen acne treatment products are treated with proactive acne treatment

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - Vitamins That Can Help

If you have acne and are looking for a safe treatment, there are many vitamins which can assist in healing the skin, improving skin health and help to free you of acne. Acne can destroy an individual's self esteem and unfortunately there is no "cure". Many of the acne medications can have bad side effects and some of the anti-acne skin care products can have harsh chemicals. Therefore, the best approach is a natural one and vitamins can go a long way in helping you to become acne-free.

Acne can be caused by and made worse by nutritional deficiencies and this is not so surprising when you look at how many refined foods most people eat, not to mention nutrient-poor foods such as sweets and foods containing refined sugars. The body has an amazing capacity to heal itself but this requires proper nutrition. Some good acne vitamins include Zinc, Vitamin A and vitamin E as these vitamins can help strengthen the immune system, assist in repairing the skin and help promote healthy skin. It is important that when you take vitamins that you do not only focus on a few vitamins but take a balance of all the vitamins needed - else you may cause vitamin deficiencies by overdosing on a few key vitamins and not taking a varied balance. Also, if you are pregnant or have certain health concerns, you should see your doctor before embarking on any acne vitamin program.

By far one of the most successful approaches to treating acne - or any health concern is to take a total approach where all factors concerned are considered. This would include resolving any nutritional problems, deficiencies as well as improving skin care, skin hygiene and any other factors which may be making your acne worse like stress and poor lifestyle. By following a total approach you would be more likely to get rid of acne without having to use expensive products or prescription drugs.

Vitamins are key to helping free you of acne as vitamins can help the body increase its ability to heal itself and increase skin health. Often though, many people who suffer from acne do not recover from the use of vitamins alone. Usually acne needs to be tackled using treatments to improve skin hygiene as well as handling any lifestyle and stress factors which may be making the acne worse. Therefore, I advise the use of vitamins along with a complete program which takes a total approach to treat acne.

Elle Darvelle has researched acne and vitamins which can help acne. She recommends an acne treatment program that takes all factors into consideration.

Click here to see which acne treatment she recommends the most.

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วันพุธที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne During Menstruation - Time to Combat It!

For women, one of the most likely times to develop acne other than pregnancy is during menstruation. It is very common to have breakouts of acne during menstruation, and this usually occurs on the lower face, chin and jawline.

As you may be aware, acne during menstruation is mainly caused due to hormonal fluctuations that occur in your body during the menstrual cycle. Many women may feel embarrassed about this condition because they don't want a sign for everyone telling them 'it's that time' again. This is especially true for women who only develop acne during the menstrual cycle. However, a few lifestyle changes now can prevent further breakouts.

As mentioned, acne during menstruation can be affected by hormonal imbalances. Acne at this time is mainly influenced by androgens which are hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands and hair follicles in the skin. One of the major players that can affect the levels of androgens is stress. Thus high stress levels can promote further acne flare ups. This is a vicious circle, because the appearance of acne may increase a woman's stress levels. To avoid this take measures to control your stress levels. Perhaps you could take up yoga, meditate, have a relaxing bath anything that will work for you.

Any major player in causing acne can be diet. Studies have shown that acne occurs more frequently during the week before menstruation and these conditions remain present for about a week. Eating healthier around this time should help but it is best to have a balanced diet overall and not just at this time. If you eat healthily it will be obvious by your skin. Ensure you provide your body with the nutrients it needs like vitamins, minerals and supplements.

Consuming foods that you are allergic to can contribute to acne before menstrual period. Many women do not know about all of their allergies and can thus inadvertently eat foods that lead to acne, such as shellfish, nuts, soy products, and wheat or gluten. If you eat such foods and find yourself with acne before menstrual period, you need to carefully examine your diet to determine if it is the source of your skin problems.

Never underestimate the power of water, keeping your skin hydrated can yield great results.

Another factor that can have great results on acne is improving your skin care regime. Cleaning your face too much or scrubbing too hard can result in skin irritation or stimulate overproduction of oil and pores to clog. Products that contain alcohol should be avoided, stick to those with gentle exfoliation and those that contain natural treatments such as tea tree oil. There are many over the counter products, it's a matter of finding what works best for you.

Cosmetic products can also play havoc with your skin. The best cosmetics to buy are those that are non-comedogenic, in other words oil free. These will prevent pores becoming clogged. Cosmetics and perfumes labeled hypo-allergenic will ensure you don't get skin irritations or allergic reactions.

So if you experience acne during menstruation, don't panic, instead use your efforts take measures on preventing it.

The steps above provide a starting point for curing acne, for more free advice and some tips that may seem strange, especially the treatment for back acne, visit acne free now.

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วันอังคารที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Myths - The 4 Popular Myths About Acne

The world is filled with people who spread rumors, and most of them are baseless. they are spread so there is something to talk about even though there is no logic nor does the news make any sense. Experts immediately find ways of putting these to rest, especially when connected to medical conditions. For something as simple as acne, there are numerous rumors and myths floating about. Some of these have no basis, and not scientifically proven and Doctors and dermatologists who are qualified try throwing light on these issues to protect the patients' interests.

Some of the most popular myths about acne are,

1. Acne is caused because of stress

This statement is only partly true, stress is not a sole cause for acne, but it does trigger acne and at times when the boil gets aggravated it could be due to high stress. When a person is stressed out, his body increases sebaceous glands functioning which leads to excretion of oil. For a lady who is trying to conceive, she might worry each day about whether she is pregnant or would she ever get pregnant or not. This will add to stress that builds up inside her system and is released in the form of acne.

If , on the other hand, a women wants to put off getting pregnant and begin using oral contraceptives, they should consult their doctor to understand the effects and benefits of the same before taking them. In order to prevent acne, people are often advised to get involved in some activity that will help control the stress levels and keep them relaxed.

2. Food items leads to acne

There are no direct connections between food and acne, and this has been a research for quite sometime now. However, if a person adopts eating of regulated healthy diet, their skin condition is known to be better than others. For people who rely on fast food, French fries, aerated drinks, greasy oily food or even eat out regularly, the amount of oil extracted will lead to acne or pimples frequently.

3. Cosmetics connected to cases of Acne

A small zit on our face wrecks our life and spoils our day, and we will not rest till we have found a solution. All it does is hampers the looks, and leads to scars. This cannot classify acne as a cosmetic based disease. However, excessive use of cosmetics and make up will cause acne, when the person does not know the proper method of applying and removing the make up. They need to understand that their skin too like them needs fresh air, and this is possible only by washing their face before going to bed after a party.

4. Dirt and grime leads to acne

Dirt will not directly lead to acne, but it might be the reason if there is too much dirt or grime on the skin and it gets mixed with the oil secreted. When the follicles on the skin cells get blocked, it leads to acnes.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

A Look at Laser Acne Treatment

Laser acne treatment has been around for a few years now, and it is quickly replacing more traditional forms of acne removal and prevention. As antibiotics become increasingly ineffective due to overuse, more and more people are opting for this new technique. During laser resurfacing, a doctor holds a laser pen just above the acne or acne scar tissue and waves the concentrated beam of light back and forth, vaporizing only the unwanted tissue and creating a new surface for skin cell growth. Thus the term “laser resurfacing”. New collagen actually forms after laser treatment. (Collagen is a protein in the skin's connective tissue that helps give the skin its texture.)

Although laser resurfacing is safe and painless in almost all cases, some post-procedural bruising and swelling are normal. In most cases, these side effects persist for seven to ten days. Wait until this passes before applying make-up.

Currently there are no federal restrictions on who can perform laser resurfacing; regulations only affect the laser manufacturers themselves. There are many types of lasers for many different purposes, so be sure to use a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Be sure to ask where your doctor was trained to use the laser equipment and whether your doctor rents or owns his or her laser equipment. Ask to see before and after pictures of the doctor's cases, and find out how many different types of lasers the doctor owns and how often each piece of equipment is used.

Many doctors feel that laser resurfacing isn’t meant for dark skin because it alters the color of skin too dramatically and unpredictably. Others believe that in the hands of a very experienced surgeon, people with darker skin tones can benefit.

Lasers acne treatment is much more invasive than non-ablative lasers. They remove by erosion, melting, evaporation, or vaporization. Ablative lasers are not recommended for use on darker skin colors.

Laser resurfacing costs upwards of $2,500 for a full face, versus $1,000 for other types of scar and acne removal. Consult with an experienced aesthetic dermatologist and laser surgeon to determine what it best for you.

Acne Treatment Info provides detailed information on the best acne treatments, including laser acne treatment, and scar treatment, as well as adult, natural, home treatment, and more.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Natural Treatments

Acne breakouts can occur on people of all ages, beginning between the ages of ten and thirteen. There are many over-the-counter and prescription treatments for acne, as well as acne natural treatments. Acne occurs not only on the face and neck, but can also be prevalent on the back, with an occasional pimple on a limb on buttock. Bouts of acne appear in the form of whiteheads and blackheads when the pores of the skin become clogged. Nodules or cysts are deeper lumps that can be more difficult to get rid of.

There is the misconception that acne only occurs in teenagers, whereas it can occur for people even into their forties. Many people have a tendency to squeeze blackheads and whiteheads in an effort to get rid of them. This is not considered one of the most effective acne natural treatments, as harmful bacteria can then get into the lesion left and cause infection. Approximately 40% of teenagers require the professional treatment and prescription of a doctor to treat their acne break outs.

Acne is not focused on just on race or ethnicity. Individuals of all races and ethnicities can be susceptible to acne breakouts. Acne is also not age particular, as many people do not experience it until later adulthood. More males than females experience severe outbreaks of acne, but males tend to choose acne natural treatments, rather than consulting a dermatologist. Individuals with milder cases of acne can choose a variety of over-the-counter treatments, but since there are different causes, there are different products that work more effectively for each individual case of acne. Individuals suffering from severe acne are would be wise to consult a dermatologist.

There are also acne natural treatments that do not involve marketed products. These include certain types of vitamins, ingested and topical herbal remedies and changes in diet. Zinc is one mineral that has been proven to be successful in treating some forms of acne. Much acne is caused by hormonal changes and zinc has been proven to be effective in hormonal treatment. One must be careful about what is combined with zinc, as some substances can greatly impair the effectiveness of the zinc and even deactivate it. Being aware of foods high in natural zinc content and including them in your diet provides for much of the acne natural treatments.

Of course this is not saying that you simply take some vitamins and minerals and the acne will go away. Each individual acne cause is different, and each individual acne cure varies as well. One should be aware that some vitamins and minerals can do more harm than good. There are some herbs and herbal mixtures that are quite effective as one of the acne natural treatments. Further research in this area is wise; however, as some herbal treatments can be quite harmful to certain body organs.

Acne breakouts can occur on people of all ages, beginning between the ages of ten and thirteen. They also occur in all races and ethnicities. A wealth of information on acne natural treatments is available, but one should consult a physician before trying anything. Each person's body is different and thus reacts differently to varied remedies.

Acne Natural Treatment helps you cure acne naturally. Visit the site for more information on acne treatment.


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วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Free in 3 Days Review

It seems that Chris Gibson's book Acne Free in 3 Days has raised quite a bit of buzz among the acne community in the internet. Some people said it's total crap while others loved it. As usual it's best to check things out yourself, so I bought the book. Here are my two pennies about it.

Acne Free in 3 Days makes sense

In a nutshell it works. The methods in Acne Free in 3 Days are pretty similar to what I used when I got over my acne.

Basically Acne Free in 3 Days suggest that you go on a special detox-cure (don't worry it's not so scary as it sounds) for 3 days. While at this cure you apply certain topical products to help you to get rid of the toxins in your body faster.

Acne Free in 3 Days is also quite short and information is laid out in a clear manner. So you don't need to waste time on reading and learning too much. Instead you can focus on applying. And application is where the clear skin is.

Short also equals shallow

However the downside of short is that it can't go very deep. Even though the method works I would have liked to see some more depth. People who are new to this might not believe that Chris's method actually works. Naturally the best way to find out is to try it yourself.

Maybe the biggest downfall of the book is that it provides only little information on how to remain acne free. Chris provides some suggestions and gives a list on foods to avoid. Since changing your lifestyle is the hardest step in curing your acne, I would have liked to see some more discussion on that.

Do You want to be acne free in 3 days?

All said and done Acne Free in 3 Days is a decent book to have in your acne-fighting arsenal. If you are not particularly interested of natural health and how your body works, but mainly just want to get rid of those embarrassing pimples on your face then your really should buy Acne Free in 3 Days. It gives you a very simple method that will get rid of your acne and that you can repeat as often as you want to. But it won't bore you with too detailed explanations on why those methods work.


I tried Chris's method. After two days of detoxing with his method, my girlfriend was amazed on how well my skin had cleared. She told me that my skin is shining so much that I don't need lights in the room anymore. I'm sure we can all forgive her for her bad humour, but it just goes on saying that his methods work.

Click here for full review of Acne Free in 3 Days.

Ex-acne victim takes you by the hand and guides you to clear skin. Click here for FREE information on how to cure acne naturally.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment For Black Skin - Some Different Tips

The black men and women find acne treatment for black skin rather difficult. Acne is a skin problem which is common and consists of blackheads, whiteheads and also some big boil-like nodules or cysts.

Teenagers are by far the most affected by the disease which also affects women in their thirties. In puberty, acne occurs due to the changes in the hormone levels. With time and patience's, acne gets healed by itself in most of the cases.

Acne affects the hair follicles and also the oil secreting glands in the skin. It usually occurs on the face, chest, arms and back. They have different types of ‘spots’, like whiteheads, pustules, blackheads and nodules.

Acne affects people of all skin colors. The causes of acne are the same for people of different skin colors, but the impact of acne is altered according to the pigmentation of the skin. People from Africa, native Australians, African-Americans and other islands are darker than their Northern European friends due to the increased amount of the dark pigment melanin in the skin.

Melanin protects the skin from sunlight and also keeps the black skinned people appearing younger than the white skinned people. With age, dark people show irregularly pigmented skin, which appear as dark patches on their skin. If an area of their skin gets inflamed, it can be irregularly pigmented.

Acne in black skin

Though the treatment for acne is the same among black and white people, there are some exceptions. Some treatments may result in temporarily lightening dark skin. Very dark skin is not as well moisturized as white skin, so it is preferable to seek the advice of a dermatologist before using products that have a drying effect on the skin.

The part where the skin was inflamed due to acne among black people usually are in danger of excessive skin darkening. Severe inflammatory acne among black people may cause dark spots. However, a dermatologist may help in making the spots less apparent before they resolve. Chemical peeling of acne scars may result in temporary lightening or darkening of the dark skin in the acne affected areas.

There are no acne treatments formulated for the use of only dark-skinned people. Acne treatments are as harmless on black skin as they would be on dark skin.

Home Treatments

Fruits and vegetables are effective for the cure of acne. People with black skin can apply a paste of cucumber, lime, honey, oats, lemon, tea tree oil, tomatoes, orange, oats and turmeric. They can wash it off after 15-30 minutes for the eradication of excess oil and the killing of bacteria causing acne.

Robert Sheehan is a freelance writer and co-owner of http://www.myacneskintreatments.com Visit Robert And read more about treating acne at http://www.myacneskintreatments.com/Acne-Treatments.html

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - Types of Lesions

The common form of acne, the one that most of us have had to deal with at some point in our lives is called acne vulgaris. It usually manifests itself in the form of blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. Whether it's the occasional pimple or the seemingly ever-visible outbreak, acne tends to appear as one of these forms. There are other ways in which acne can appear and sometimes it can have severe or devastating effects on its sufferers.

Here are some types of acne blemishes and lesions.

Comedones: are sebaceous glands that are blocked with dead cells, hairs and oil (sebum). A blackhead is an open comedo and a whitehead is a closed one.

Blackheads: are called blackheads because of the color of the lesion. It's commonly thought that the color is caused by dirt, but it's the skin's pigment's reaction to the air. Excess dirt (and sometimes makeup) are usually the reason blackheads form. Aside from excess oil, dead cells, and makeup, blackheads can be caused by too much scrubbing and not cleaning the skin properly. A blackhead should never be picked or squeezed because infection can result.

Whiteheads: are formed by sebaceous glands that are completely blocked. Because they are, there's no opportunity for skin's pigment (melanin) to react with the air. There's usually a whitish or yellowish appearance on the raised bump of a whitehead. Whiteheads normally come and go more quickly than blackheads.

Papules: are small, solid, red and often inflamed bumps. Unlike pustules, they contain no pus. Groups of small papules may barely be visible, but will feel like sandpaper if rubbed.

Pustules: are somewhat like a combination of whiteheads and papules. They're inflamed and red, but also have heads with pus in them. The pustule is what is commonly known as a zit. Popping or picking zits can lead to scarring.

Nodules: are usually an indication of severe forms of acne. These are inflamed, frequently painful, often larger, and extend deeper into the skin, than less severe forms of acne lesions. They can result in tissue damage and extensive scarring if not properly handled and treated. For this form of acne, a dermatologist should be consulted.

Cysts: are very large, pus-filled lesions that extend into the deeper skin levels. They are also often very painful and can lead to scarring. These types of lesions should never be squeezed because of the possibility of infection and scarring. Like Nodules, they may not respond to many of the available treatments. A dermatologist should be consulted for the best chance of successfully treating these forms of acne.

Most everyone between the ages of 12 and 20 has experienced some form of acne at some time or another. The vast majority is able to treat their outbreaks (if they need treatment at all) with medicines available at the local pharmacy. But for those with chronic acne or those who have some of the more severe forms, a qualified doctor is the only solution.

It's important to not give into the temptation to break or pick acne lesions. This can lead to anything from an infection to future (sometimes extensive) scarring. With good hygiene and a little patience, most acne problems can be solved. There are plenty of available medications that can handle the majority of acne outbreaks.

Stephanie McIntyre and Wendell Bryant are Internet developers. Visit their site at http://www.acnesolutionsuniverse.com

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วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Secret That Will Clear Your Acne

There are many myths about acne, its cause and how to clear it. This leaves most sufferers not only frustrated about their skin, but also mystified about the whole subject. So let's clear up some misconceptions about acne and talk about the secret that will clear you up...

The first information about acne you might well read about is the whole process of the clogged glands leading to inflamed lesions. This is all that the 'experts' talk about when it comes to acne. But it's not saying anywhere near enough about the condition. It's like saying all there is to food is eating it, totally leaving out the fact that food needs to be grown/found/killed, then cooked and prepared BEFORE eating happens!

So there is more to acne than just the last stage of development of an acne lesion. But what is it?

Well, let me tell you about two types of food. One type is INFLAMMATORY (causes hormones to go berserk), others are ANTI-INFLAMMATORY (cause hormones to calm down.) What you eat is the beginning of whether or not you get acne (or any disease for that matter.)

And this is the secret fact about acne that the dermatologists choose to ignore and the acne companies claim is not true, so that they can sell expensive potions (cleansers and pills) that they know don't work, but which get repeat orders because they claim their product 'takes time' to work...

So the secret to clearing your acne is simply to change your diet. Easy as that. In fact, the most important food to avoid is vegetable oil. Do this for a few days and your acne will clear up DRAMATICALLY, just like mine did. To find out more great information on clearing your acne visit my free website now

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

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วันอังคารที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne No More

This is a very comprehensive 220 page, effective acne treatment program (acne health plan). It does what it says on the cover, if "Acne No More" doesn't cure your acne problems then nothing else will. This is not an overnight cure for acne. The acne treatment plan cures your acne gradually and permanently. Some of these overnight cures, cures the acne fast, but then it comes back again and again.

Acne no more is 100% natural so you won't suffer any side effects associated with harsh acne medications. The source of the acne problem is cured from the inside out, not just the acne on the face (outside) like many other (harsh) facial medications. This book explains acne causes, the truth about acne, foods to avoid and why.

The truth about acne explains: the skin, the immediate causes of acne, types of acne and medicine vs natural. Also explained, why using antibiotics and other over the counter creams and ointments are ineffective to acne over the long run. The main factors that bring on acne are also explained.

A summary of Acne no more is given on page 52, with the five pillar health plans. On page 60 you are given a mini program, but if you have severe acne it would be best to complete the full program. You are also shown how to relieve or control stress, sleep optimization, exercise and skin care.

This book does not only explain how to get rid of your acne forever, but it also gives you loads of other information related to acne. Some call it the "acne bible". You also receive some extra ebooks (bonuses) with this ebook. This is real value for money, as you will save a fortune in medications.

For more information concerning acne and pimples you can visit:

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วันจันทร์ที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Best Treatment - Take Care of Your Skin in These Easy Steps

Acne is a common problem for both teenagers and adults. As much as we want to look good all the time, sometimes a single pimple can ruin our day. It is critical to know what the acne best treatment is. This will help you prevent a lot of unwanted pimple breakouts during the most important events in your life. To find the perfect acne best treatment for you, you must first know exactly what your skin needs.

Each skin is made up of different cellular structures and can be sensitive to various types of chemicals. Without carefully researching the acne best treatment for you, you might end up buying the wrong treatment for your face. You might want to consult your dermatologist if you are unsure about your skin type. If you have sensitive skin, there are a lot of products that you need to carefully observe and learn more prior to purchasing.

As most people know, acne is made up of Sebum buildup on the skin pores. This leads to an infection that spreads throughout the entire pore, causing heavy blockage. This may result from not being able to take good care of your skin or can be a consequence of bad hygiene. The first and most effective acne best treatment is knowing how to observe clean skin every single day. By simply washing your face thoroughly before and after sleeping, you will be able to wash away the dirt and sebum that causes acne on the skin of your face. The same goes for other parts of the body. When you are not able to look after your skin by rinsing it with soap and water while bathing, this may result to a sudden acne breakout.

Once you have incorporated this acne best treatment to your everyday activities, you will soon feel that the acne presence in your skin is slowly being eliminated due to a strong observation of your hygiene. Another effective acne best treatment is eating the right food. A lot of food types, especially those that are rich in cholesterol and fats can contribute to overproduction of sebum in your skin. This results to having very oily skin, thus inviting the presence of acne. Make sure that you eat a well-balanced meal and maintain a healthy diet on a daily basis. This will aid in balancing the nutrients in your body and prevent the existence of acne.

If you also have long hair, it is best to also keep it in a neat bun or wear a headband to keep it off your face. This is also an idea of an acne best treatment as the human hair can contain a lot of sebum as well. Whenever your hair is untidily scattered all over your face, this will keep sebum in close contact with your skin.

If you are still having a hard time getting the acne best treatment for your skin after trying these steps, you may choose to contact your dermatologist. There are also natural methods and herbal medicines that you can take to lessen the impact of acne on your skin.

Discover what my acne best treatment was and how I managed to clear my acne in days after a long four month battle.

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