วันจันทร์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Solution - Do You Get Pimples That Keep Appearing in the Same Area?

A good acne solution for me was actually paying attention to how and where I was applying my acne treatment.

I used to wake up and see a pimple in the exact same spot where there was one a few days earlier. This went on for around 3 months. Sometimes it would have a friend almost joined side by side and other times it would be on its own but it was always in the same area.

The main areas that the exact same pimples kept appearing were above my lip between the nose and the crease of my chin. At this point I had found a great acne solution that worked well with my skin so I thought it was weird it didn't help those areas.

I started to pay attention to how I applied my acne treatments and I noticed I kind of neglected those areas. I was a bit careless when exfoliating, cleansing and applying acne solutions on these areas so I started paying as much attention there as I did to the rest of my face. Sure enough the zits started drying out and stopped reappearing.

So before you rule out certain acne solutions just make sure it's not you that's at fault instead of the product or treatments you are experimenting with.

When it comes down to it though, it could be the acne treatments you are using at fault. If they do not contain ingredients to kill the bacteria causing the pimple then your acne isn't going to leave in a hurry.

Discover why manuka honey for acne, tea tree oil acne treatments and other bacteria fighting ingredients should help you gain acne free clear skin faster!

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