วันพุธที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Which Acne Blemish Treatment Really Works?

Acne can involve a great deal of effort. You have to do your research in order to obtain the required knowledge to make informed decisions about treating your acne blemished skin.

Acne can make life hard when you are surrounded by people who have flawless skin. And trying to find the right acne blemish treatment products can prove to be a real headache, not to mention a regular, never-ending expense. In order to get the clearer skin you want, you will need to take action. Take control of your acne treatment needs and make clearer skin a reality. Acne blemish treatment products are not only based on one type of product. They are interlinked and therefore require a routine usage. The best acne blemish treatment products are those that you can buy in a series because they will treat all of the problems acne creates in steps.

You need clean skin and unplugged pores before you can begin to effectively treat acne. And these "series" acne solutions will do exactly that for you. You just need to know which acne treatment series is right for you and that means identifying your skin type in the first instance. By using the series on a regular basis, you will be guaranteed to know whether they are the right product for you or whether you need to change. There are
no short cuts when it comes to acne treatment. Actually being successful with your acne regimen requires a significant amount of dedication on your part. You will need to get on a regular regimen that includes a face wash, cleanser, and day and night creams.

If you have these products, make sure you give them a fighting chance. There is no sense in spending all of that money for a product, only to use it once and then jump to the next product. You must actually give it a chance by following the directions and waiting for results. Conversely, if you have been using the same product for weeks with out success, stop and try something else. Try a different series every so often until you find the right one for your skin. Once you find that, stick to your regimen and never waiver.

One day I heard from a friend about a product called 101E Acne Getaway. I visited the website and was immediately impressed. They promised less acne within seven days in a safe effective way, it was defiantly worth a try. I ordered the product and after seven days of treatment I could clearly see the visible results. My skin felt refreshed and clearer and after time I even got comments on how good my skin looked! Now I still continue to use this product.

The main motive of this article was to provide some relevant content about acne blemish treatment and now that you have read this article, I trust that you found it useful and informative.

Bruce Walls is an author and webmaster at http://www.a1-acne.com Read this article here

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วันอังคารที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Stress- Acne - How Does Stress Affect Acne?

A number of clinical studies have confirmed what the acne sufferers and dermatologists alike have suspected about stress and acne: stress indeed does affect acne. Having established that, the next question is: how does stress affect acne? Before examining this, let us take a look at how stress affects skin in general.

How Does Stress Affect the Skin?

Skin and brain originates from the neuro-ectoderm during the embryonal stage. Skin, as the fifth sense organ is supplied by millions of nerve endings that are connected through the nervous system with the brain. In fact, it is only proper to state that skin indeed is an extension of the brain, the seat of our mental activities and the master controller of the body. Hence, any changes occurring in the nervous system and the brain can affect the skin in a number of complex psycho-neuro-immuno-hormonal pathways. Sebaceous gland, an important gland of the skin, naturally, is also affected by stress similarly.(See below)

How Does Stress Affect Acne?

It has been hypothesized that stress, the modern day nemesis, can affect acne in three ways:

  1. A period of continuous stress can induce a new eruption of acne
  2. Acne, which is already present, is sustained despite treatment and even become resistant to conventional therapies during an especially stressful period of time.
  3. A sudden crisis in life, exacerbates the acne lesions already on the face.

    Hence, learning to relax is a very important aspect when you consider the best treatment for acne options.
The effects of stress on acne may be mediated through various pathways:

  1. Stress-acne: Hormonal Causes. Stress through the stimulation of neuro-chemical pathways in the brain, stimulates release of various hormones from the pituitary and other endocrine glands. The release of androgen hormones are controlled by these master glands. Androgen hormones are the main perpetrators of sebaceous hyperactivity which is the most important factor in the causation of acne.
  2. Stress-acne: Psychological Causes. Stress caused by anxiety due to acne eruptions and due to other causes induce teens to pick on the acne lesions leading to exacerbation of the lesions and scarring. This further increase the tension and the whole triggering cycle is repeated. In some acne sufferers the stress induces bulimia or overeating response leading to increase in the hormonal activities and new acne eruptions.
  3. Stress- acne: Psycho-Social Causes. The self imposed social alienation because of facial disfigurement and perceived social stigma further add to the depression and anxiety and aggravate acne and related problems.
  4. Stress- acne: Immunological Causes. Stress reduces immunity through its effect on the thymus gland which produces T cells that protects our body against invading germs. Reduced immune status leads to the multiplication of bacteria inside the sebaceous glands causing inflammation of the acne lesions.
  5. Stress- acne: Chemical Mediators: Stress, through its activity on the autonomic nervous system and hormones stimulate the release of neuropeptide P and certain other chemical mediators which induce inflammation in the skin and pilosebaceous units, thus leading to formation of new acne lesions.
  6. Stress- acne: Genetic Susceptibility: Some individuals are, through genetic predisposing characteristics, more stress prone than others and respond with increased sebaceous activity when under stress.
  7. Stress- acne: Target Organ Theory: Different individuals respond to stress in different manner. Due to genetic and hereditary predisposition, living style, dietary habits, relaxation responses etc, certain organs in the body are more prone to be affected by stress induced structural and pathological changes. The weak, target organs are affected first, when the body is kept under stress mode for long. In some, it may be the heart, in some the brain, in some the immune system, and, in others, the skin in general or the pilo-sebaceous unit in particular. Thus their skin may respond to a particular stressor by producing more acne lesions!

The above review is sufficient to visualize the extend of stress-acne relationship.

There are still certain issues to be addressed on the topic of stress acne relationship:

  1. It is still not clear up to what extend stress is responsible for acne in normal individuals
  2. There are conflicting reports as to whether stress does really increase sebum secretion. More clinical and laboratory studies are required to straighten this issue out.
  3. How much importance should be given for stress management in the management of acne?

All said and done, it is becoming increasingly evident that acne cannot be treated satisfactorily unless you combine anti acne therapy with an effective stress management program.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Skin Care Products - How to Shop For One on the Internet

The Internet is an excellent place to find skin care products, whether they just be for general skin care or to treat an acne problem. This is because, using online resources, you will be able to see a large number of products on a variety of websites in a very small amount of time. The result is that you will have a better chance of finding a skin care product that you are really interested in using.

When you use the Internet to find a product for your skin or acne problem, certain companies' websites will be especially helpful. Make sure to visit them in order to get what you are looking for.

Acne Guide

One excellent website is Acne Guide. This online resource will provide information on what exactly acne is, what make people get acne, and how to treat the acne you are currently dealing with most effectively. They also have a lot of great information about which acne treatment products are known to be effective.

Besides the above mentioned information, you will also be able to find out about skin products like moisturizers, cosmetics, sunscreens, and cleansers.

Acne Way

Acne Way is another company based on the Internet that provides useful information regarding acne skin care products. On their website you can read reviews on acne products from different parts of the world. They also tell you how to deal with and prevent acne. Other topics that are discussed on the Acne Way website are adult, back, body, teen, scar causes, expert advice, butt acne, genital, cystic acne, skin diet, nodular acne, tips, laser, Acuzine, Vilantae, Retinol.

When you avail yourself of the array of useful information available on the Internet regarding acne and other skin issues, you will better understand your own situation and you will also be much more prepared to handle your skin problems in the best way possible with the right products. Acne is a difficult condition to deal with on a daily basis; it only gets worse if you feel you are doing all you can to prevent it.

Learn more about the best acne treatments on the Acne Squad web site. You can start getting rid of your acne today, using these acne control techniques.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Coconut Oil - Best Natural Acne Treatment

Consider cheaper, alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best care for and clear up your acne, zit, pimple or blackhead problem; and coconut oil is the best treatment I've found. Yes, you can do it -- look better, feel better, and raise your self-esteem by getting rid of your acne cheaply, naturally and for good. While most forms of acne are merely troublesome or embarrassing, there are some forms of acne that can lead to scarring and pitting of the skin.

People of all races and ages have acne. Acne is one of most common skin conditions in the world, affecting more than 40 million people. Nearly 80 percent of people from ages 11 to 30 years have acne, most often on the face, chest and back. For most people, acne goes away by age 30, but people in their forties and fifties still suffer from acne.

Experts just can't agree on what causes acne. Acne, zits, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and many other skin disorders are usually, but not always, the result of a bad diet. I think the cause of acne is related to our acidic, inflammatory 'standard American diet' (SAD) and that would also influence all of our hormones including stress hormones.

Since the latest research indicates a connection between stress and acne, make an effort to cut down on stress any way you can. One treatment method some people have used is applying cornstarch, egg whites or milk of magnesia as a facial mask. When you wash your face use a soft touch, taking care not to rub or scrub your skin.

There are many natural acne home remedies; you may have to try several to find one that works best for your skin type. Shave carefully and try both electric and safety razors to see which works best for you. For the best acne treatment, which has worked for many, apply virgin coconut oil to the area daily; try it on a small test area for a day or two first.

It's always best to seek non-invasive and natural treatment for any skin condition. Treatment with raw apple cider vinegar will work better on your skin if it isn't already noticeably irritated from acne medicines, acne products or other failed treatment. No over-the-counter creams can help your acne from the inside out; they can only kill some of the bacteria on your face and help reduce the redness.

Besides acne, if you also have eczema or dry skin, coconut oil will treat those skin conditions too. Most commercial cleansers are harsh on the face and trying to find the right one for you could cost a fortune. You want to avoid squeezing, pinching, picking or popping your pimples because it can cause scars or leave dark spots on your skin.

Coconut oil is very inexpensive; it's a good, cheap, natural home remedy. Coconut oil is one of the best, if not the best, treatments I've found for acne. Apply it daily, throughout the day if possible and at bedtime. Get the unrefined, unbleached type found at health-oriented food stores like Whole Foods or Wild Oats or order it online.

In any case, no matter what skin or acne treatment you choose, whether it's chemical, drugs, alternative, or natural methods, changing your diet alone will be the best treatment you can do for your acne and you'll achieve overall good health in the process. Drink lots and lots of pure, filtered water every day. Besides external acne treatment it's even more important to work from the inside out too.

Some alternative doctors recommend eating a raw clove of garlic daily for acne; you can chop one up and add it to your daily salad! Whether you eat a natural diet of living fruits and vegetables or eat dead junk food, what you eat may have a direct or indirect affect on the male hormones which may or may not play some part in acne.

Eating fruits that are red or orange in color will help improve you skin health and help to prevent acne. Eat high-fiber snacks like raw nuts, raw seeds, fresh or dried fruit, such as dates, and figs. Use olive oil with a little very fresh flaxseed oil in your salads.

Drink plenty of pure, filtered water, a minimum of a quart a day. Eating foods with essential fatty acids are particularly important to people with dry skin or acne.

Now you don't have to be one of the unlucky ones left behind because of a lack of knowledge. And you should be able to get rid of your acne, zits and pimples and their symptoms so it doesn't reoccur. There are many acne products on the market today, some are good, some are cheap and some are not good or cheap; no one knows but you what will work for you.

For more information on natural treatments for acne and acne light therapy, go to http://www.Best-Skin-Solutions.com Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in acne, pimples and skin disorders with tips, advice and resources for adults, teens, and babies, including information on acne scar treatments

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วันเสาร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Herbal Remedies - Herbal Remedies to Cure Acne

Acne is a term for what we commonly call pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and nodules that become visible on the face, chest, upper back, cheeks, chin, arms, and shoulders. Acne victims experience ruthless, chronic flushed marks on the face, chest, shoulders, neck, upper back, and buttocks. When these marks are spots that have a faint, open center, they are recognized blackheads. Whiteheads are spots that puff out under the skin and have no pores. Pimples, equally, are whiteheads that rupture. The boil-like lumps are frequently called nodules.

Almost three-quarters of all teens as well as young adults experience with acne. However, men and women about 30s and 40s can also experience. The truthful source of acne remains vague but more is documented about how the acne that are part of acne form. There are more and more treatments to help with this distressing condition.

Using Acne-R, acne can be treated prolifically in almost each acne case. If you want to have neat & clean skin level, Acne-R is deep-rooted thriving treatment that will help get rid of your spots. Acne needs to be treated once shows potential. Scarring is an alternative with a small number of acne lesions, and scarring is perpetual. Acne "scars" are not areas of bruising where a spot used to be. These discolorations will ultimately become paler. Scars are glooms in the skin at the mark of ex- acne lesions.

Acne-R is available in tablets form and can be taken orally. The standard measured quantity is two tablets, taken twice a day after meals. For sensitive cases, take three times each day.

When Acne-R is taken as on target you will observe results in 2-3 weeks. But bear in mind - Acne-R must be taken together with label information. Skipping pills will just holdup the ruling of your bad skin. With Acne-R, determination pays off!

As you can see, there are many ways to get rid of acne. There are countless acne products, treatments and remedies to try. However, in my case nothing seemed to work for me. After suffering from acne for so long and trying many different remedies and products I finally found the best way to cure my acne in the fastest time. You can find out more information about it at http://www.goldenreviews.net/acne-free-in-3-days-review/

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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Get Rid of Acne Quickly – Have Clear Skin Permanently

Have you tired almost everything to get rid of acne but only to suffer from
recurring pimples outbreak at random periods?

Most so-called remedies out there that promise fast results are not
permanent, because of that, you need to understand what it takes to help you get
rid of acne once and for all.

Many acne sufferers have horrible pimple outbreaks for years without knowing
that it can be gotten rid of for life, this is especially true during the early
stages of such occurrences where corrective actions should be taken.

If you believe in the conspiracy theory, you may even think the acne
treatment industry has been keeping it as a secret so that over-the-counter
products will continue to sell. What if there is not one, but several natural
ways to permanently eliminate acne and pimples for life?

First of all, the title of this article may be unbelievable at first glance.
Not only are there ways to get rid of acne in as little as three days, they are
natural procedures and can be proven scientifically. Forget what you know or
have been told about your acne problem because some of these facts are what
dermatologist won’t even tell you!

However, a little education on how acne comes about and how our skin,
especially those around the face, response to chemicals and the environment
changes is essential. This is the key to unlock the secret to permanent acne
control forever.

Here are some of the biggest myths that you may have been told:

  1. Acne can be treated easily with creams, but recurrences several days or weeks later are inevitable.

  2. Everyone has acne problem at some stages of their life, there is no way to prevent acne from appearing one morning over your sleep.

  3. It’s “OK” to mask the symptoms of an acne outbreak with cosmetics and powder.

…and perhaps much more that may mislead you into thinking that acne problems
can either be solved easily given some old-folk’s recipe and simple

The fact is that getting rid of acne is an issue much more than “skin deep”.
For true permanent solution to acne problem, you need to address it from three
facets: Inner nutrition, Outer protection and last but not least, physiological

Yes, it may sound more difficult than applying creams and lotions! The
question to ask yourself then is whether you’re looking for the only proven,
holistic way to heal, restore and have beautiful clear skin permanently, all
without any side effects.

Christoper Gryson knows how to get rid of acne quickly. After years of drug therapy, countless visits to dermatologists, and recurring bouts, he has found a way to banish it in 3 days in the comfort of his home. These propriety information have been complied into a step-by-step guide book which you can review at http://www.acne.rid-of.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Myth Or Fact?

With all the information on acne causes and treatments you read in books, magazines, or on the Internet, it's difficult sometimes to know what is fact and what is myth. You will find home remedies, herbal medicines, creams, gels, vitamins, antibiotics, hormonal treatments, retinoids, laser treatment and the list goes on.

First of all what is acne? Acne (pimples, whiteheads, zits) is the result of hair follicles and skin pores getting clogged when the body produces too much oil which builds up which then leads to swelling, pimples, zits or whiteheads. The oily substance is called sebum which lubricates and moisturizes the skin and hair. Normally, sebum produces small amounts of oil, but sometimes, although no one knows for sure why, starts over-producing oil. Hormones play a part in the amount of sebum that is produced during adolescence. The male hormone androgen, can cause sebaceous glands to enlarge leading to the increase of more sebum.

Some facts about...acne...pimples...zits.

*Popping pimples can lead to more pimples, causing bacteria to get into the skin, which can cause infection and scarring.

*An acne treatment that works for one person may not work for you.

*If other family members have/or had acne, it's more likely that you will too.

*People of all races and ages can get acne.

*Oil build-up in the skin can contribute to pimples. Gently wash your face at least twice a day with a mild soap and warm water.

*Acne vulgaris is more common in males than in females during adolescence.

*Medicines that treat epilepsy and different types of depression containing steroids, barbiturates, lithium, or iodides can contribute to the cause of acne.

*Some birth control pills can help acne by slowing down over-producing oil glands in the skin.

*Acne has nothing to do with lack of cleanliness.

*Acne is not contagious.

Some myths about...acne...pimples...zits.

*The sun is good for acne. A tan can temporarily cover up blemishes, but the sun may actually make acne worse.

*Eating chocolate and sugar causes acne.

*Acne is a result of poor hygiene. Although, proper cleansing is essential for treating an acne condition.

*Acne is not caused by dirt.

*Stress causes acne. However, research suggests that for people who have acne, stress can make it worse.

*Any acne medication works instantly.

*Washing many times a day will minimize acne.

*Washing with rough soaps and aggressive scrubbing will clear up acne on the face.

*Picking your acne will make it disappear.

*Once acne has cleared up, it will never come back.

*Teenagers are the only ones that get acne.

People with severe acne should consult with a dermatologist.

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วันพุธที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Healing the injuries bruises or burns caused by acne or pimples on the skin generally forms acne scars and how to get rid of these scars are the ultimate solution every one requires. There is a lot of homemade solution to get rid of acne scar and some of the solutions are provided below.

As we may see many times the treatment for the acne scar may worsen. Many homemade remedies for acne scar are available and one is the hot wet towel treatment to the local site of acne scar. If you press the skin with the hot and wet towel, the heat received by blood vessels increases the blood vessel size and the skin get normal after the removal of hot and wet towel.

One of the easy methods to get rid of acne scar is to drink plenty of water daily. If you could take 8 to 10 glass of water a day, it is not only good for your internal organ it is also good for your skin as you loose lot of moisture from your skin. Our skin clean itself and we should also ensure a regular water wash to remove any toxic material lying on our face. Regular wash with good quality soap is essential to maintain our skin in good condition.

If you want to know how to get rid of acne scar especially of old pimples, almond oil is the best solution for you. Almond oil is one of the best remedies for treating dryness and inflammation of the skin and you should apply it on your face daily. Apricot juice is also good for treating acne scar if applied regularly on the face. Apricot juice is also good for sunburn and itching problem.

Another home made remedy to get rid of acne scar is by applying fresh paste of fenugreek leaves over the face every night. Curd if mixed with gram powder and applied to the local skin is also useful for removing acne scar. This paste is also useful for other purposes such as removing skin infections and allergies. If you further want to know how to get rid of acne scar, you can search Internet.

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วันอังคารที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Companies - What They Don't Want You To Find Out About Your Acne - A Simple Cure

There are hundreds of acne products released each year by big acne companies, and millions are spent advertising these to young people, using celebrities and other ways to get you to buy. But, the truth is that these products are nearly always useless, and the industry is generally considered to be a sham...

These corporations and shareholders don't want you to know the simple acne cure that you can use, that would cost them millions in revenue if you found out - because it is FREE! But I want to tell you because I once suffered from acne, for many, many years. And I tried all the expensive and rip-off acne cleansers and herbs to find that I still broke out, sometimes worse when using them...

The BIG secret that the industry is hiding from you is that the food you eat DIRECTLY causes your acne. This is because of hormones. Some food causes your hormones to become imbalanced, whilst other foods help balance your hormones. When your hormones become imbalanced, you breakout.

And it isn't limited to just teenagers either. If you are prone to acne, you can suffer from it well into adulthood. I should know, I had acne well into my 20's until I found out the truth. To clear your acne you simply need to eat less of the foods that imbalance your hormones, and more of the foods that balance them.

Simple but effective. One of the worst foods for acne is vegetable oil - it causes cysts and red inflamed bumps. When I stopped eating vegetable oil my acne cleared up DRAMATICALLY. And the same will happen for you. For more information about clearing your acne visit my website.

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Home Remedies For Acne - Cheap But Effective Ways to Get Rid of Acne

Many people are now looking towards natural home remedies for acne, instead of off-the-shelf products to get rid of their acne problems. This is understandable since it is both convenient and economical to do so at home. Before we go straight into any home remedy for acne, let's take a look at some of the simple things to do to complement our acne home remedies.

Proper vitamin supplement intakes, lots of water and regular exercise will help to detoxify our bodies, and improve our skin condition. This will work hand in hand with the following cheap but effective home remedies for acne:

1. Did you know that your toothpaste can help to reduce the swelling of your pimples? Apply some before you sleep and you will see the immediate effect the next morning.

2. Mix lemon juice with rose water. One lemon with same proportion of rose water will do. Apply it on your face and rinse it only after 30 mins. Constantly doing so will not only get rid of acne and pimples, but it also has the effect of lightening the skin blemishes.

3. Use fresh mint juice to apply on your face.

4. Strawberry leaves can also help to reduce the pimple swelling.

5. Orange peel can also be used. Basically, you need to mash it or blend it, mix with some water to form a paste before applying on your problem area.

6. Mix turmeric powder with some mint juice before applying on the acne. Wash it off with clean, lukewarm water after about 30 mins.

7. Even cooking condiments such as vinegar and salt have their uses as home remedies for acne. Mix the two together, before rubbing the mix over the pimples. Leave it there for some 10 to 20 mins before removing with lukewarm water.

8. Make a paste with cucumber before using it as a facial mask. Leave the mask on for 30 mins daily. Doing this will prevent acne from breaking out.

9. If you can tolerate the smell of garlic on your face, then go ahead to apply some fresh garlic on the pimples. They will disappear after repeated applications.

10. Even the milk that you drink is useful as a home remedy for acne. Blend nutmeg with milk and you have a powerful paste to zap those pimples away.

While these have worked for many folks who tried them, it does not guarantee it will work for some people.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

The author is a prolific writer who has varied interest in different topics in life. Find out more about effective home remedies for acne - how you can cure acne in 3 days easily and naturally from home.

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Acne Cure - 3 Ways to Cure Chronic Acne

Chronic acne can be a serious cause for worry. If you are aspiring to attend a cocktail party or head for an evening date, the chances are that your acne would never let you achieve your goals with ease. Listed below are three ways to solve this problem.

Keep Your Face Clean

One of the main reasons why your acne infection is allowed to spread is simply because you are unable to cleanse your face on a regular basis. In simple words, you need to wash your face with water and soap, twice daily. While a mild soap can be an appropriate solution to cleanse your skin, a face wash would be a better option.

Eat Healthy Food

Food which is rich in fat and heavy on oil is stated to cause a lot of problems. If you are aspiring to maintain a blemish free look, you need to try and avoid eating junk food and include fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, sprouts and juices on a regular basis. The food you eat has a direct impact on your skin tone.

Make Use Of A Natural Supplement

You can easily hope to get rid of whiteheads as well as blackheads if you apply natural creams and lotions onto your affected area. Simply make use of a natural supplement and you can easily hope to retain a flawless skin tone.

Blemishes are a woman's biggest enemy. If you want to get rid of your whiteheads, you simply need to browse through the listed points and apply them to practical use.

Tired of spending too much on Acne Treatments We have natural cure for your acne which will help you get rid of acne permanently. Visit http://www.acnetreatmentsite.com for more information.

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Acne Types - An Overview of the Common Acne Types

What is Acne?

First of all, the term Acne refers to Acne Vulgaris, the medical term for the "condition". I think the best way to describe it is to list a step by step process of what happens when you get a "zit" or a "pimple" or any other of your favorite slang terms. The first thing we need to know is that your skin is covered with sebaceous glands. These glands, like sweat glands, allow wastes to leave the body. Sebaceous glands secrete a substance called Sebum, which your body secretes at the base of hair follicles to keep them lubricated. However, when these little oil producers fill up and get clogged...We get issues. If you have acne then I'm sure you can make the inference that the largest concentration of sebaceous glands are on the face, upper chest, shoulders and upper back area.

When these get clogged up, we begin to see problems. Typically, when most people say acne, they refer to an infected and clogged sebaceous gland. All of the oil and gunk that is trapped in that sebaceous gland can get infected by bacteria from any number of places like your skin or maybe some old sweaty gym towels or something else nasty.

Types of Acne

So there are a few individual types of "zits" or "pimples" or whatever you want to call them. Lets take a look at the different variety


A blackhead is basically what happens when your sebaceous glands (covered last post) clogs with dirt and oil and skin debris. It is known as an "open comedone" because it has an open surface and can drain oil etc. onto the skin, and therefore you may notice where you have blackheads you have oily skin. The reason for the dark appearance is that when the substance in the pores reacts with oxygen it oxidizes and darkens. Although they are ugly, they occur naturally and the body does get rid of these on its own.


Whiteheads are very similar to blackheads. However, they have one defining characteristic in that they only have very small opening to the surface of the skin. This keeps oxygen from reaching the cellular debris that is stuck in the sebaceous gland duct. This also keeps the material from oxidizing so it retains its white color as opposed to turning dark.


This is your everyday acne. Similar to a whitehead except it is inflamed. The interior is filled with dead cells and neutrophils which are fighting the infection. You may want to pop these, but be careful. I will cover how to do this correctly and safely in a later post.


These look like little bug bites. Small and red and usually not raised or very large. Don't try and squeeze these as nothing will come out.


These are something you don't want. In simple terms this is a large papule. However, these are generally deeper in the skin which keeps them from healing and makes them painful. They are large and raised and red and hard to the touch. These can cause permanent scarring and should NOT be squeeze or messed with in any way. If you have these you need to see a dermatologist. There are many medications that can help with this but please do not attempt to pop one of these, you can severely damage your skin.


These are similar to nodules. They are filled with pus and trust me when I say you don't want to squeeze these either. You will most likely cause yourself extreme pain and damage your skin. Again, if you have these you should see a dermatologist ASAP to help you get rid of these.

For more information about fighting acne and keeping your skin clear and healthy go to http://www.skinclearingremedy.com.

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Acne And Menstruation- Three Secrets That Ease Menstrual Discomfort While Providing Pimple Treatment

Many women are bothered by two nuisances that coincide with each other around the same time of month; menstrual cycle discomfort and acne. Acne can occur during a woman's menstrual cycle even if she has never had acne before. Not only does this nuisance occur during that time of the month, but it may take a while (if ever) for it to go away. Many women suffer from menstrual bloating, cramping, and acne breakouts all into one during the same time; this can make life unfair! The good news is there are three secrets that I tested that will make your life so much easier next time. They're easy to do and cost-effective; they just require some slight preparation. Unless you have severe cramping (that causes you to stay home all day) do not take menstrual pain medication when trying these secrets. These secrets fight both acne and menstrual discomfort.

Secret #1: Approximately four to five days before your menstrual cycle comes, begin decreasing salt consumption. Sodium is necessary for optimal health, but not in the form of sodium-chloride (table salt). It's best to get salt from fresh foods that naturally have low dosages of salt in them such as spinach, turnip greens, collard greens, and broccoli. The key is to avoid both table salt and foods with processed salt added to them. The easiest way to do this is to prepare all your own foods; don't eat out unless you know exactly how your food is prepared. If you buy any boxed and canned items, try to purchase "no-salt added" versions that are abundantly available in health food stores. Be sure to use lots of fresh herbs like Basil, Cilantro, Thyme, Black Pepper, etc to season your food. You don't have to obsess over the amount of salt you consume as long as you are eating mostly fresh foods. Not only will this help reduce menstrual bloating and cramping, it will reduce the appearance of acne as the overloading of salt is a major contributing factor.

Secret #2: It's good to exercise a few times a week, but if you don't regularly get enough exercise, at least power walk a day or two before you anticipate your menstrual cycle coming. It is critical to do this early in the morning. Aim for at least twenty-five minutes of brisk power walking. This will reduce menstrual cramping, bloating, and help keep your skin clear by removing toxins from your body (plus giving your skin a healthy glow). It's better to squeeze in more days of power walking, but at least power walk the morning before and the morning of your menstrual cycle.

Secret #3: A few days before you anticipate your menstrual cycle coming, eat fresh (preferably) or frozen cherries for breakfast. Eat as much as you want for breakfast, but be sure to eat them by themselves. You may drink water as you desire. You don't have to eat all the cherries in one time. You can eat a cup for breakfast and eat more when you get hungry again. Just be sure that when you're done eating cherries for the day, you wait at least 2 hours before eating other items. Do this for 2-3 days before your menstrual cycle begins for breakfast. This will help keep your skin clear as cherries are internal cleansers. They also have virtually no sodium so you don't have to worry about racking up unnecessary sodium content for the day.

Are You Fed Up With Acne? Visit http://magicalskincarekingdom.com for a fast-acting and all-natural substitute to Proactiv, Zeno, and other costly acne prescriptions.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Tips on How To Stop Acne

There are many options for people trying to stop acne. Generally pills, which are frequently available, are prescribed. Many people try natural remedies. I happened to come across a four-step program to stop acne. The primary step is to stay regular. It is believed that you can stay fit and keep away from ill health if your digestive system particularly the large intestine is in proper condition. Acne can also be prevented this way.

In order to keep your colon clean regular bowel movements are necessary. Drinking plenty of water helps to keep your body hydrated and washes away all toxins, which in turn helps to stop acn before it starts.

In addition to this red meat should be completely avoided and diet should contain food high in fiber, which helps stop acne. the next step is to alleviate stress and adhere to a good diet. Like red meat, processed sugars should also be eliminated, but natural sugar contained in fruits is really good and one must include lots of fruits in his diet.

You can elevate the amount of fruits but eliminate fruit juices as they contain unwanted sugar. The third step says that it is better to eat a fruit than to drink fruit juice. Saturated fats must be avoided. An internal cleansing comes third.

All toxins from internal organs like liver and kidney are to be flushed out. This is a bit difficult one, which includes a restrictive diet for two days. The fourth step involves the maintenance program. To stop acne from coming back make sure not to go to your old ways. After all I feel it is better to have acne than to practice the four difficult steps.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning acne. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Acne

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วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Education

If you think acne affects only teenagers, then think again. It commonly strikes adults on a daily basis. It can be overwhelming to start noticing breakouts of pimples, blackheads, or zits all over your face and you might not know what to do first.

Before you do anything else, visit or call your local, trusted pharmacist. Licensed pharmacists are always knowledgeable about skin products and will know which products will bring acne relief and which ones won't. Most pharmacists are very willing to help. If you don't already know one, try your local WalMart.

While you are at WalMart, check out some of the available natural remedies and products they have displayed near the pharmacy. Many natural products claim to completely cure your acne. Any good drugstore will also have displays of various supplements claiming to help with acne relief.

Educate yourself on the different causes of acne and you may discover what is causing your own skin to break out. Acne research is lengthy and still ongoing so experts are not absolutely certain about the precise causes of acne. There are a few possible causes, however, that everyone seems to be in agreement on.


Some medications, such as steroids, barbiturates, and anti-seizure drugs, are thought to contribute to skin disorders. Don't stop taking your prescribed medications, though, before first checking with your physician to see if they could be causing your acne.

Emotional Stress

Increasing evidence suggests that stress may contribute to acne and other skin problems. If you are stressed, try developing an exercise program and following it regularly. Exercise is a proven stress-buster.


Chocolate has not yet been proven to cause acne. Many people insist that eating chocolate will make you break out in pimples but no amount of research has ever proven this theory to be true.


Since acne is triggered by plugged or blocked pores, we can safely assume that make-up and other cosmetic products containing oil will contribute to acne. Even "safe" products (those that are hypoallergenic and oil-free) may contribute to blackheads or zits because they cover up the skin. Any cosmetic product applied to the skin has the potential to clog the pores and interfere with acne treatment.

Frequently Scrubbing your Face

Acne-prone skin should always be kept clean, but only mild products should be used to wash it gently. Many people are under the impression that they should scrub their skin using harsh soaps when they have acne but this only aggravates and worsens the condition.


High humidity and other unnatural environmental conditions (i.e. smog, fog) can promote acne as well as other disorders. If skin is exposed to humid conditions for a prolonged period of time, swelling occurs (which blocks the pores, thereby contributing to acne).

Dietary habits

Many people notice that certain foods they eat cause their acne to flare up. Your dietary habits can certainly contribute to breakouts and you should note the products causing the most problems so that you can avoid them in the future.

Common food culprits thought to worsen acne include fats and dairy products. Diets rich in zinc should be beneficial if you have acne. Taking zinc supplements is one alternative you might consider for the relief or treatment of acne.

Learn more about how to control acne and how to get rid of acne permanently at http://www.Acne-FreeSystem.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Mechanica

Acne is most often the result of the hormone surge known as puberty that occurs in young people. These hormones act on the skin's sebaceous glands causing them to over produce sebum (oil). This oil mixes with dead skin cells to clog pores. Add bacteria to the mix and you have acne. But this is not the only way acne forms.

Acne can also be the result of using the wrong kind of makeup. In this type known as acne cosmetica, makeup can cause acne, or aggravate acne that's already present. Cosmetic ingredients found in products such as facial creams and eye shadow like lanolin and mica, can lead to this persistent, and difficult to control acne.

Another kind of acne caused by the introduction of external agents is called acne mechanica. This type is the result of triggers such as friction from tight clothing, constant rubbing from some worn item, and straps like those found on backpacks.

Acne Mechanica can form on the face, neck, back, shoulders, buttocks, legs, and any other area of the body where acne might normally form.

Those who are at risk for developing acne mechanica include: athletes who wear padded equipment during the course of their activities; people who wear tight uniforms made of synthetic material; soldiers who carry a lot of heavy weaponry and equipment; and those who wear helmets such as motorcycle riders and football players.

The specific kinds of causes that can lead to acne mechanica include:

· The straps found on backpacks.

· Tight headbands and wristbands used by athletes.

· Musical instruments pressed against the body for long periods of time.

· The straps used to carry weapons and other items by soldiers.

· The shoulder pads (and other pads) worn by football players and other sports participants.

· Tight hats kept on the head for long periods.

· Tight synthetic clothing.

· Bra straps.

And in addition to these causes, there's heat, which can aggravate this condition. The age of the person involved is also a factor. If someone is in the age group that is acne prone (12 to 22), then there is a greater likelihood that this type will develop.

There are effective ways to treat and prevent this form of acne. The most common over the counter acne medications can help to clear up acne mechanica when it forms. Topicals like benzoyl peroxide and salicyclic acid are the most common active ingredients found in these medications, and they usually are able to clear it up.

To prevent acne mechanica, eliminate the source of the friction or tightness. Wear cotton underclothes underneath synthetic uniforms and clothing. Don't wear tight items against the skin for long periods of time. And take a shower right after athletic activities in which you wear any of the aforementioned causes of acne mechanica.

Stephanie McIntyre and Wendell Bryant are Internet developers. Visit their site at http://acnesolutionsuniverse.com/research-into-acne-treatments/

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วันพุธที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Cure - Diet As a Natural Treatment For Acne?

In this article you will discover the truth about acne and diet through a brief question and answer session.

Does the food you eat cause your acne?

Yes! Although many doctors may claim that food doesn't cause acne, millions of acne sufferers would care to differ, as having made simple changes to their diet, their acne cleared up. The myth that acne isn't caused by food is caused by a 30 year old experiment that is mainly discredited due to a flawed design.

Which foods cause acne?

The main food that causes acne is vegetable oil. This is because vegetable oil causes hormonal imbalances that result in acne. Vegetable oils are a common ingredient in modern food and is the primary reason westerners commonly get acne, while other cultures (who don't eat vegetable oil) have only rare occurrences of acne. There are a number of other foods which must be avoided for clear skin.

Which foods clear acne?

Nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and enzymes are the primary acne fighters. The best sources are from whole foods such as vegetables, whereas the worst sources are from cheap supplements. There are a few other foods that are effective at clearing acne as well.

Can fasting clear my acne?

There are many popular acne programs that involve fasting on raw foods like apples for a number of days. These cleanse the body of toxins and help clear up acne. However, cleanses are not a permanent cure for acne, and need to be repeated often to maintain clear skin. Most acne sufferers fail to do cleanses often enough to maintain clear skin, which means making permanent, yet simple changes to your diet the most effective way to clear acne-free skin.

David Rambai is an ex-acne sufferer and expert on how to cure acne naturally. David invites you to try out his online acne system to get clear skin.

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วันอังคารที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Cure with Neem and Turmeric

Acne cure and skin care the natural Ayurvedic way with neem and turmeric

Neem and turmeric have antibacterial properties and are effective in acne cure. Neem (Azadirachta indica) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) can suppress and kill bacterial activity is effective in treating acne rashes and acne bacterial infection. Neem oil applied over the infected area is beneficial in curing acne. Turmeric powder mixed with either water or aloe vera gel can be applied over acne rashes.

Turmeric can also be used internally. It is a regular condiment/spice in Indian traditional cooking. It not only adds taste to the food, but also helps liver with removal of toxins. It also helps in killing bacteria and infection. It is therefore considered a blood purifier and detoxification agent. This also gives considerable advantage in treating acne inflammation.

Turmeric powder and neem oil together is also good combination for acne treatment. You can also crush a few neem leaves to make a paste to which you add a tsp of turmeric powder. Apply it over acne inflammation spots. Both have antiseptic properties and helps in controlling inflammation.

It takes only a few days for turmeric to show results in acne treatment. You can mix turmeric powder with coconut oil and apply the paste directly over acne inflammations. Allow it to dry and leave the dried paste on your acne inflammation overnight. Do this for two or three days and find considerable improvement in the condition of your skin.

Acne caused due to hormonal imbalances too is cured this way.

Dev Sri provides insider information about Ayurvedic herbal medicine practices and Ayurveda in Kerala. Find more about Ayurvedic medicines at http://www.KeralaAyurvedics.com.

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Website: http://www.aienet.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

How to Get Rid of an Acne Scar- 4 Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scarring

Everyone who suffers from an acne scar thinks about how to get rid of it. While other people may not even notice, whenever you look in the mirror, that acne scar is there and looks terrible to you. Thinking about how to get rid of acne scars sends many people to the Internet to find more information about the ways to do it, what it will cost and the possible risks for each method.

The top three methods recommended by medical professionals are:

  • Microdermabrasion
  • Chemical peels
  • Laser resurfacing
Each of these methods requires a licensed doctor to supervise the treatments and provide follow up care. As with any medical procedure, there are risks in each of them. Not every method is the correct one for every case, or every individual. All require an office visit with a doctor, who will evaluate the patient and the method that's best to use.

While there are home applications of microdermabrasion available, these mild applications are not as effective as the treatments available from a doctor. There are also some "fruit acid" chemicals that can be bought without a prescription, but, again, they are milder than the professional treatments a physician can apply. As far as I know, nobody offers a home version of laser resurfacing - and I hope that never happens!

There is also a fourth method of reducing or correcting skin scars with a natural oil. This recent discovery is available over the counter, has been proven safe and effective, and can be an affordable alternative to the more radical treatments from your doctor. You can read more about it at my blog, http://acne-no-medicine.blogspot.com/ and decide for yourself if this is how you want to get rid of your acne scar(s).

Are you suffering from acne? Have you tried all the “cures”, with no success? Is acne scarring ruining your skin? Find out about a revolution in natural acne remedies! Go to http://acne-no-medicine.blogspot.com/ for more free information and resources for you to finally CONQUER acne and nasty acne scarring naturally!

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Truth - the Secret Cure to Acne That the Acne Companies and Doctors Would Hate For You to Know!

There is a secret cure to acne that the acne companies would hate for you to know about. This is because they make billions of dollars each year selling useless acne products, whereas this secret cure costs nothing...

While fancy miracle acne products seem like a good idea because they promise clear skin, such as cleansers and pills, the truth is that curing acne just isn't going to happen using these products. After years of trying them myself, I found out the hard way that all these acne products did was empty my wallet...

After years of suffering from severe acne I found that simply changing my diet and taking some supplements was all I needed for clear skin. This works because it balances the hormones, which when imbalanced cause acne.

The worst food for acne is vegetable oil. It causes massive hormonal imbalance, and the worst acne you get - cystic, inflamed, and taking weeks to disappear...

Yet avoiding vegetable oil is easy to do, and produces a DRAMATIC clear up of your skin in days. Foods with vegetable oil in it are cooking oils like sunflower oil, margarine, cookies and some other junk foods.

Avoiding vegetable oil is the simplest, yet most effective way to clear up acne, and although you may need to make some other changes to your diet, it's the one thing you can do today to make a big difference in reducing your acne. For more information about how to clear your skin then visit my free acne cure website here.

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 12 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Free in Three Days

If you've ever been online looking for an acne cure you've bound to have come across Acne Free in Three Days! It's the most famous natural acne solution on the web, but what is it, and does it really work?

I used to suffer from acne for many years, and when searching online for an acne cure I found the acne free website almost instantly. Because I was so fed up with most acne cleansers and herbal formulas (not to mention antibiotics and accutane), I purchased the book...

...And was disappointed straight away. You see, acne free in three days is a simple 3 day apple fast. This means eating nothing but apples and drinking water for 3 days.

The theory on why it supposedly works it that by eating nothing but apples for 3 days your body flushes out build up of toxins for the colon, and with these toxins gone, so goes your acne...

I was willing to give it a try, as soon as I got a spare 3 days to sit around the house...

So I did the 3 day fast, and by the 3rd day my skin was looking somewhat clearer, but nothing special...

But when I awoke on the fourth day, the day after the fast, I looked in the mirror and my acne was ALL gone. Only some old marks remained. And these disappeared after a few days. I was delighted, but my joy of being acne-free only lasted a few days, at which point my acne came back - as bad as ever.

So what happened?

Well, according to the acne free book, the 3 day fast has to be done once or twice every month to maintain clear skin! This wasn't practical for me, as spending 6 days a month eating nothing but apples would interfere with my busy life too much. So...

...I was back to where I started. I had cystic acne again, but I knew that natural solutions worked, and I researched more. I found that by making simple changes to my diet I could clear my skin. This was both easy and practical. For more information about clearing your acne naturally visit my website now.

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scar Healing - How to Heal Acne Scars Fast

Acne almost always leaves an acne scar when it leaves. The healing of acne scars can take time depending on the severity of the acne. Mild acne scars heal quickly; where as severe scars might not heal unless you seek treatment.

Our skin has a natural skin rejuvenation process by means of which the old skin cells are constantly replaced by new skin from the layers below. Every day millions of cells get sloughed off our faces and are eventually replaced by new skin cells. Over a period of time, scars get healed this way. Acne scar healing happens through natural skin rejuvenation process only for mild scars. For more severe and deeper scars we need a more abrasive technique to bring about healing.

Laser resurfacing treatment and acne scar surgery can be used to heal deep rooted acne scars by surgical methods. Laser surgeries can be used if you want to escape the surgeon's knife. A concentrated laser beam is focused on the scar which burns the scar tissues and the scar that is formed as a result will heal resulting in a clear skin. However, such treatments can be expensive and can cost several thousands of dollars.

The most recommended and widely used treatment for acne scar healing is chemical peel treatment. This involves the application of a chemical solution based on acids like acetic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid etc. on the skin surface. This will lead to the peeling off of the skin's top layers and thus exposing the fresh new skin which is free of acne scars. Depending on the depth and severity of the scar, the concentration of the peel solution can be chosen.

Lately, home administrable chemical peels have become popular for healing acne scars. You administer such treatments at the comfort of your own home. Also, you can save thousands of dollars of physician's fees and hospitalization cost.

Visit Acne Scar Healing to find a review of the only Home Chemical Peel that is approved by FDA for safe home use
P.S: Such Treatments have been exclusive to select Celebrities for the last 70 years! Click Here to Read Review
Christie Simon writes for acnescar-removaltreatments.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Cream - Acne Cream Secrets

There are so many acne creams which are now available in the market today that it makes it really difficult for the average consumer to make an informed decision. How do you choose from among thousands of different products? And, how do you know which acne cream is the very best for your particular skin type and problem? For an acne cream to be effective, it should always contain certain ingredients that have a proven record. Let us look at these ingredients and what some of them do.

Acne Cream Secret #1: Tea tree oil: It is also known as Benzoyl Peroxide. This is considered to be one of the major ingredients of any acne cream. This is derived from the tea tree plant and actually is considered to be one of the herbal family members. This plant and its oil extract have anti bacterial and anti-inflammatory agents and has a long history of being good at soothing inflamed skin, and reducing redness and swelling. Tea tree oil has some anti-bacterial characteristics as well and will help keep your face and neck areas free of the harmful bacteria that worsen skin conditions such as acne. This is a long tested and powerful agent to use in your fight against acne. As a straight cleaning agent it also gets rave reviews. A large percentage of all of the acne healing products have some of this particular ingredient in their listing.

Acne Cream Secret #2: Catechins: This is a natural antioxidant and a totally natural product. If you love the idea of fighting acne with an eco friendly agent then this is definitely one of the best for you.

Acne Cream Secret #3: Green Tea: Many acne creams use green tea as one of the major ingredients in most of their line. These help in providing a deep and soothing cleaning process for your face and will relieve much of the swelling and redness that may be present. Green tea is known for anti-inflammatory properties.

While all of these may not be present in all acne preparations, you are sure to find one or more of them present in the large majority of acne products that are currently being offered. Another ingredient that is used and perhaps the single largest ingredient that will be found in acne products is neem. Neem is an herb and the acne fighting power it has is derived from the leaves of this plant. This one ingredient has the ability to soothe, cleanse, and fight both acne and infection. The neem leaves are revered in some Asian cultures. If you were to only take the neem leaves and crush the leaves into a paste and then use them upon your face you would notice a vast difference in overall appearance in a short fifteen minutes.

Acne creams then certainly do seem to have certain secrets, and those secrets all lie in the herbs that are used as the basis for the acne products. One of the best recommended natural acne creams is from Revitol. Revitols cream incorporates all these ingredients plus many more acne fighting properties. Their Cream works from cleaning the impurities that causes acne, thus removing acne for good. Revitol are also so confident in their product that they back with a 90 day money back guarantee.

Interested in learning more about a natural acne cream and kicking your acne issue to the curb? Visit Acne Cream for more.

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วันพุธที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scars - Home Remedies to Clear Up Scars Caused by Acne, Zits Or Pimples

If you suffer from acne scars and home remedies to clear up scars caused by acne, zits or pimples seems to be your only option than fear not because you may already have several items scattered throughout your kitchen that can significantly improve acne scarring when properly implemented.

The reality is in order to achieve better looking skin and improve upon the condition of your acne scarring you really only need to perform two simple procedures:

1 - Carefully remove the top layer of damaged skin cells by exfoliating your face.

2 - Help your skin to quickly repair itself by pampering it with collagen and through the consumption of moisture building foods.

In order to speed up your skin's healing process here are 6 home remedies that work at eliminating scars from acne:

Acne Scars Home Remedy #1: Olive Oil

One side effect from acne scarring is that your skin can lose its elastic ability and flexibility. Fortunately a small amount of olive oil gently massaged into your face following an exfoliating session will offer some relief. The nutrients in the olive oil penetrate the skin layers and perform a deep moisturizing of your skin while simultaneously softening up your skin's texture.

Acne Scars Home Remedy #2: Water Consumption

You've probably heard this before but it needs to be said again, your skin needs water in order to promote the repair process that needs to take place in order to heal any acne related scars. The water you drink is used by your skin to replenish your skin cells, flush out any bad toxins and keep your skin looking full and plump. For maximum skin health and effectiveness you should consume at least 80 ounces of water a day.

Acne Scars Home Remedy #3: Lemon Juice

In order to lighten darker acne scars you can cleanse your face with lemon juice. Start by cleaning your acne scars using a cotton swap that has been dipped in a teaspoon of lemon juice. Let this stand for about ten minutes then rinse away. You will need to exercise some caution here based on the fact that lemon juice can leave your skin photosensitive. A preventive measure to counter the effects would be to apply sunscreen on any area that you treat with lemon juice prior to going out into the sun.

Acne Scars Home Remedy #4: Baking Soda

I've mentioned that you should regularly exfoliate your skin in order to remove the excess skin layer of dead skin cells. You can go out and purchase a higher priced exfoliation solution or you can stick with using baking soda. In fact, a version of baking soda is routinely used in cosmetic microdermabrasion treatments.

You can perform the same treatment (a mini microdermabrasion) by mixing two teaspoons of filtered water along with a single teaspoon of baking soda. To complete the exfoliation process you would gently rub the mixture on your acne scar for approximately sixty seconds then rinse it off.

Acne Scars Home Remedy #5: Fruits

Fruits work in several ways to improve your skins overall health and condition. First, by providing a source of collagen fortifying vitamin C and second when their acids are used to exfoliate your skin. Pineapple seems to work best based on the amount of ascorbic acid it contains. After smoothing on your face and letting it dry for 10 to 15 minutes, rinse the acid off and your face will appear much brighter and your acne scars will begin to fade.

Acne Scars Home Remedy #6: Dedication and Consistency

Because acne scars take several weeks to form and appear in a series of layers you will need to make use of your acne scars home remedy methods on a daily basis. Take the necessary time to plan your treatment in advance and ensure you make time throughout your day to actually perform the exfoliation and cleaning that is required in order to remove the damaged scar tissue layer by layer.

Perform your treatments routinely and consistently and you will see and experience an improvement in your acne induced scars.

For years I was an acne sufferer but I was fortunate because I found a solution that cleared my face up and eliminated all of my acne. You can have acne free skin now using the same solution!

Using acne free skin solutions your zits will disappear and your acne prone skin will clear up. Visit http://www.acnefreeskinsolutions.com/ to learn how to eliminate your pimples today!

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วันอังคารที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

A Natural Acne Cure - A Home Remedy For Acne

Whilst some rely on traditional medicines, others prefer a more natural acne cure. There are many common herbs, etc. that are particularly suitable as a home remedy for acne - here are a few of them.

Lavender: Lavender is beneficial as a natural acne cure because it is known to have antiseptic properties, it soothes the skin, and reduces inflammation. It is also known for its aroma, which is said to have a calming influence. As many skin complaints are aggravated by stress, anything that relaxes you can only be a good thing.

Basil: Basil is a herb that contains ingredients said to kill bacteria. Bacteria live on the skin of everyone, but because acne sufferers tend to have very oily skin, this tends to be the ideal breeding ground where bacteria flourish the most.

Sandalwood: Sandalwood is another natural cure for acne, and is used for its soothing and antibacterial qualities. You can buy sandalwood oil, sandalwood powder, face masks, and creams. A paste can be made up using sandalwood powder, which is claimed to help with acne scars.

Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil has increased in popularity over recent years, and is used for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It is said to be very useful as a home remedy for acne, but must be used with caution. It takes only a small quantity mixed with a large amount of water, to create a face wash.

The above items are ideal for use as a natural acne cure, but always follow the manufacturers instructions when using them.

There are of course many other ways to get rid of acne.

Find out more

Why not keep up to date with all the latest information about home remedies for acne : http://www.BestHomeRemediesForAcne.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Get Rid of Back Acne and Body Acne

Are you suffering from back acne and body acne? or zits below the neckline? Don't worry this is very common and you can get rid of back acne and body acne. Most of the teens get body acne which is very common in winter months, when you are wearing heavy clothes.

Sweat can clog skin pores which leads to breakouts all over, other things that can cause body acne are tight fitting clothing, avoid it and wear loose clothes. Body acne usually pops on the chest and back of the body.

To avoid body acne and prevent it from coming back, A salicylic acid based cleanser should work pretty much good, Find this ingredient on the product labels.

Shower daily and make sure that shower as soon as possible anytime when you have been sweating, like after playing sports, exercise, working outside, or facing the sun light. After taking a shower, use a body moisturizer that contains Alfa Hydroxy acid, this will prevent breakouts without even drying your skin out.

Make sure at night-time, you treat your body acne just like you treat facial acne by applying an acne zapping gel or cream at the infected parts.

You can also apply Aloe Vera on the infected parts, it is a natural herb and does not contains any type of side-effect or harm. It can be used by anyone as it is non-allergic. You can also take some Aloe Vera pills if you don't want to apply aloe vera on your skin.

Above were some of the easy ways to get rid of back acne and body acne. If your body acne is getting worse day by day and any of the above method does not work for after 30 days, then you should consult with a dermatologist who will guide you.

Do you know that Back Acne, Body Acne and other Acne skin problems can be healed by using Aloe Vera products?

Visit my blog: Aloe Vera Tips and get the latest information and tips on using Aloe Vera and Aloe Vera Products and get tips on how to avoid acne.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - Natural Hot Pepper Face Wash May Cure Acne

Nearly 60 million Americans experience bouts of acne, and more than 20 million of them end up with acne which may cause scarring. There are many remedies for acne and currently a company created another one, the world´s first chili pepper based face wash that has guaranteed to wipe out acne within a few short days, and without the burning sensation associated with hot peppers.

A great part of remedies work, however, they take weeks and even months to make any noticeable difference. A lot of these products are also mixed with chemicals; they are expensive and generally require a daily regimen.

Capsaicin, the active element in hot peppers has been shown to be an important acne fighter. According to experts, it works through a thermal heat action that helps to open pores and increase blood flow to the surface of the skin. Capsaicin has powerful antimicrobial properties that help distinguish harmful bacteria that's hiding within the layers of skin.

Capsaicin also helps to desensitize sensitive skin by affecting a series of tiny nerves. Capsaicin may also be beneficial for relieving chronic topical pain associated with certain circulatory conditions.

The golden product is called `Capsiderm´. Unlike arthritis creams -designed to relieve chronic muscle and joint pain- this new product is designed specifically to fight acne and tighten wrinkled lines on skin´s surface.

There are immediate results within the first day or two of use. According to the company, most acne conditions will disappear completely within the first week, even severe cases.

Article written by Hector Milla, editor of http://www.acnetreatmentstips.com, a website pointing the best acne treatment exposed, thanks for publish this article in your website or ezine keeping a live link. Website associated with http://www.FreeGlucoseTester.org .

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วันเสาร์ที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - Easy Ways To Stop Getting Infected Acne

Acne begins as a whitehead or a blackhead. These are uninfected comedones. The gland is full of sebum and the gland is clogged. If treated at this stage, the acne will resolve easily without any scar. But many times it gets infected and becomes a big pimple full of pus. Stop that happening with these easy steps.

Acne- how it gets infected?

A bacterium called P.acnes lives on our skin. Normally this bacterium makes no harm to us. If this bacterium is given a warm close place full of sebum, it loves that and multiplies there. This happens in acne. The sebaceous gland is the ideal place for the bacteria in acne and the bacteria multiplies inside that. When white cells kill the bacteria, you see the pus filled acne. We should stop giving the bacteria a place to thrive. Let us see how.

1. Treat the blackheads and whiteheads immediately with either Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid. They will both unclog the gland. Consult your doctor about using tretinoin at this stage itself. Use AHAs around the affected area to remove dead cells faster and remove the top affected layer of the skin. Your doctor will draw a treatment program for you.

2. Ask your doctor if you can use a mild antibiotic along with other topical treatments to kill the bacteria before it grows. Kill all the bacteria before it multiplies. Generally we use antibiotic after getting infected. In this case, ask your doctor if you should use one as preventive.

3. Keep your hands clean and wash your face with a good acid balanced cleanser or an AHA based cleanser. Don't over clean the skin. Clean it two to three times a day. Don't touch the spots. That may infect them. Trying to remove the comedones may also infect them. Consult your doctor and if needed he/she will pull it out.

Stopping acne before it gets infected is the best way to avoid large-scale pimples and scars. To learn more about acne treatment at mild stage, click here- http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ds/acne/treatments-mildacne.php

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

DoctorGoodSkin.com is a big skin care guide where you can find a lot of information, articles and tips about skin diseases and conditions, skin treatments and procedures, skin care, skin care products, etc. You will also find information about hair and nails diseases, treatments and prevention. You can try out some of the unique skin and health quizzes, to test your knowledge about various skin, hair and nail conditions. Popular topics on the site include acne, dermatitis, cellulite, melasma, vitiligo, scars, stretch marks, collagen, laser resurfacing, sunscreens, etc.

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